[PATCH v11 22/23] x86/resctrl: Introduce interface to list assignment states of all the groups

From: Babu Moger
Date: Wed Jan 22 2025 - 15:26:17 EST

Provide the interface to list the assignment states of all the resctrl
groups in mbm_cntr_assign mode.

$ mount -t resctrl resctrl /sys/fs/resctrl/
$ cat /sys/fs/resctrl/info/L3_MON/mbm_assign_control

List follows the following format:

"<CTRL_MON group>/<MON group>/<domain_id>=<flags>"

Format for specific type of groups:

- Default CTRL_MON group:

- Non-default CTRL_MON group:
"<CTRL_MON group>//<domain_id>=<flags>"

- Child MON group of default CTRL_MON group:
"/<MON group>/<domain_id>=<flags>"

- Child MON group of non-default CTRL_MON group:
"<CTRL_MON group>/<MON group>/<domain_id>=<flags>"

Flags can be one of the following:
t MBM total event is assigned
l MBM local event is assigned
tl Both total and local MBM events are assigned
_ None of the MBM events are assigned

Signed-off-by: Babu Moger <babu.moger@xxxxxxx>
v11: Fixed printing the separator after each domain while listing the group assignments.
Renamed rdtgroup_mbm_assign_control_show to resctrl_mbm_assign_control_show().

v10: Changes mostly due to domain specific counter assignment.

v9: Minor parameter update in resctrl_mbm_event_assigned().

v8: Moved resctrl_mbm_event_assigned() in here as it is first used here.
Moved rdt_last_cmd_clear() before making any call.
Updated the commit log.
Corrected the doc format.

v7: Renamed the interface name from 'mbm_control' to 'mbm_assign_control'
to match 'mbm_assign_mode'.
Removed Arch references from FS code.
Added rdt_last_cmd_clear() before the command processing.
Added rdtgroup_mutex before all the calls.
Removed references of ABMC from FS code.

v6: The domain specific assignment can be determined looking at mbm_cntr_map.
Removed rdtgroup_abmc_dom_cfg() and rdtgroup_abmc_dom_state().
Removed the switch statement for the domain_state detection.
Determined the flags incremently.
Removed special handling of default group while printing..

v5: Replaced "assignment flags" with "flags".
Changes related to mon structure.
Changes related renaming the interface from mbm_assign_control to

v4: Added functionality to query domain specific assigment in.

v3: New patch.
Addresses the feedback to provide the global assignment interface.
Documentation/arch/x86/resctrl.rst | 44 ++++++++++++++
arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/monitor.c | 1 +
arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/rdtgroup.c | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 126 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/arch/x86/resctrl.rst b/Documentation/arch/x86/resctrl.rst
index 5d18c4c8bc48..3040e5c4cd76 100644
--- a/Documentation/arch/x86/resctrl.rst
+++ b/Documentation/arch/x86/resctrl.rst
@@ -330,6 +330,50 @@ with the following files:
# cat /sys/fs/resctrl/info/L3_MON/available_mbm_cntrs

+ Reports the resctrl group and monitor status of each group.
+ List follows the following format:
+ "<CTRL_MON group>/<MON group>/<domain_id>=<flags>"
+ Format for specific type of groups:
+ * Default CTRL_MON group:
+ "//<domain_id>=<flags>"
+ * Non-default CTRL_MON group:
+ "<CTRL_MON group>//<domain_id>=<flags>"
+ * Child MON group of default CTRL_MON group:
+ "/<MON group>/<domain_id>=<flags>"
+ * Child MON group of non-default CTRL_MON group:
+ "<CTRL_MON group>/<MON group>/<domain_id>=<flags>"
+ Flags can be one of the following:
+ ::
+ t MBM total event is assigned.
+ l MBM local event is assigned.
+ tl Both MBM total and local events are assigned.
+ _ None of the MBM events are assigned.
+ Examples:
+ ::
+ # mkdir /sys/fs/resctrl/mon_groups/child_default_mon_grp
+ # mkdir /sys/fs/resctrl/non_default_ctrl_mon_grp
+ # mkdir /sys/fs/resctrl/non_default_ctrl_mon_grp/mon_groups/child_non_default_mon_grp
+ # cat /sys/fs/resctrl/info/L3_MON/mbm_assign_control
+ non_default_ctrl_mon_grp//0=tl;1=tl
+ non_default_ctrl_mon_grp/child_non_default_mon_grp/0=tl;1=tl
+ //0=tl;1=tl
+ /child_default_mon_grp/0=tl;1=tl
+ There are four resctrl groups. All the groups have total and local MBM events
+ assigned on domain 0 and 1.
Read/write file provides the largest value (in
bytes) at which a previously used LLC_occupancy
diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/monitor.c b/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/monitor.c
index 024aabbecbb5..2dd6c47c9276 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/monitor.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/monitor.c
@@ -1236,6 +1236,7 @@ int __init rdt_get_mon_l3_config(struct rdt_resource *r)
hw_res->mbm_cntr_assign_enabled = true;
resctrl_file_fflags_init("num_mbm_cntrs", RFTYPE_MON_INFO);
resctrl_file_fflags_init("available_mbm_cntrs", RFTYPE_MON_INFO);
+ resctrl_file_fflags_init("mbm_assign_control", RFTYPE_MON_INFO);

diff --git a/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/rdtgroup.c b/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/rdtgroup.c
index 5d305d0ac053..6e29827239e0 100644
--- a/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/rdtgroup.c
+++ b/arch/x86/kernel/cpu/resctrl/rdtgroup.c
@@ -975,6 +975,81 @@ static ssize_t resctrl_mbm_assign_mode_write(struct kernfs_open_file *of,
return ret ?: nbytes;

+static char *rdtgroup_mon_state_to_str(struct rdt_resource *r,
+ struct rdt_mon_domain *d,
+ struct rdtgroup *rdtgrp, char *str)
+ char *tmp = str;
+ /* Query the total and local event flags for the domain */
+ if (mbm_cntr_get(r, d, rdtgrp, QOS_L3_MBM_TOTAL_EVENT_ID) != -ENOENT)
+ *tmp++ = 't';
+ if (mbm_cntr_get(r, d, rdtgrp, QOS_L3_MBM_LOCAL_EVENT_ID) != -ENOENT)
+ *tmp++ = 'l';
+ if (tmp == str)
+ *tmp++ = '_';
+ *tmp = '\0';
+ return str;
+static int resctrl_mbm_assign_control_show(struct kernfs_open_file *of,
+ struct seq_file *s, void *v)
+ struct rdt_resource *r = of->kn->parent->priv;
+ struct rdtgroup *rdtg, *crg;
+ struct rdt_mon_domain *dom;
+ char str[10];
+ bool sep;
+ cpus_read_lock();
+ mutex_lock(&rdtgroup_mutex);
+ rdt_last_cmd_clear();
+ if (!resctrl_arch_mbm_cntr_assign_enabled(r)) {
+ rdt_last_cmd_puts("mbm_cntr_assign mode is not enabled\n");
+ mutex_unlock(&rdtgroup_mutex);
+ cpus_read_unlock();
+ return -EINVAL;
+ }
+ list_for_each_entry(rdtg, &rdt_all_groups, rdtgroup_list) {
+ seq_printf(s, "%s//", rdtg->kn->name);
+ sep = false;
+ list_for_each_entry(dom, &r->mon_domains, hdr.list) {
+ if (sep)
+ seq_puts(s, ";");
+ seq_printf(s, "%d=%s", dom->hdr.id,
+ rdtgroup_mon_state_to_str(r, dom, rdtg, str));
+ sep = true;
+ }
+ seq_putc(s, '\n');
+ list_for_each_entry(crg, &rdtg->mon.crdtgrp_list, mon.crdtgrp_list) {
+ seq_printf(s, "%s/%s/", rdtg->kn->name, crg->kn->name);
+ sep = false;
+ list_for_each_entry(dom, &r->mon_domains, hdr.list) {
+ if (sep)
+ seq_puts(s, ";");
+ seq_printf(s, "%d=%s", dom->hdr.id,
+ rdtgroup_mon_state_to_str(r, dom, crg, str));
+ sep = true;
+ }
+ seq_putc(s, '\n');
+ }
+ }
+ mutex_unlock(&rdtgroup_mutex);
+ cpus_read_unlock();
+ return 0;

@@ -1996,6 +2071,12 @@ static struct rftype res_common_files[] = {
.seq_show = mbm_local_bytes_config_show,
.write = mbm_local_bytes_config_write,
+ {
+ .name = "mbm_assign_control",
+ .mode = 0444,
+ .kf_ops = &rdtgroup_kf_single_ops,
+ .seq_show = resctrl_mbm_assign_control_show,
+ },
.name = "mbm_assign_mode",
.mode = 0644,