Re: [PATCH v2 00/17] Support dynamic opening of capstone/llvm remove BUILD_NONDISTRO

From: Andi Kleen
Date: Thu Jan 23 2025 - 13:19:43 EST

> In certain scenarios, like data centers, it can be useful to
> statically link all your dependencies to avoid dll hell.

Yes but it won't be loaded into memory if not used. Executable
loading is all lazy. Maybe look a page fault trace for loading
perf if you don't believe me.

So you're trying to optimize disk space here?

I didn't see that in the cover letter.

It doesn't seem like a very good reason for such an intrusive patch kit.

If it's a serious concern maybe investigate an executable compressor?

> The X86
> disassembler alone in libllvm is of a size comparable to the perf tool

I agree that LLVM is a serious bloat and DLL hell concern, but I don't think
dlopen is the answer here.
