Re: [PATCH v1 1/4] misc: fastrpc: Add CRC support using invokeV2 request
From: Ekansh Gupta
Date: Thu Jan 23 2025 - 23:19:33 EST
On 1/23/2025 6:03 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 05:34:00PM +0530, Ekansh Gupta wrote:
>> On 1/23/2025 4:43 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 03:19:21PM +0530, Ekansh Gupta wrote:
>>>> On 1/23/2025 1:18 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, Jan 23, 2025 at 11:16:41AM +0530, Ekansh Gupta wrote:
>>>>>> On 10/7/2024 7:27 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
>>>>>>> On Mon, Oct 07, 2024 at 02:15:15PM GMT, Ekansh Gupta wrote:
>>>>>>>> InvokeV2 request is intended to support multiple enhanced invoke
>>>>>>>> requests like CRC check, performance counter enablement and polling
>>>>>>>> mode for RPC invocations. CRC check is getting enabled as part of
>>>>>>>> this patch. CRC check for input and output argument helps in ensuring
>>>>>>>> data consistency over a remote call. If user intends to enable CRC
>>>>>>>> check, first local user CRC is calculated at user end and a CRC buffer
>>>>>>>> is passed to DSP to capture remote CRC values. DSP is expected to
>>>>>>>> write to the remote CRC buffer which is then compared at user level
>>>>>>>> with the local CRC values.
>>>>>>> This doesn't explain why this is necessary. Why do you need to checksum
>>>>>>> arguments?
>>>>>> This helps if the user suspects any data inconsistencies in the buffers passed to DSP over
>>>>>> remote call. This is not enabled by default and user can enable it as per their reqirement.
>>>>>> I'll add this information.
>>>>> An inconsistency where? Between the kernel and the DSP? Between the user
>>>>> and the DSP? Does it cover buffer contents or just the addresses?
>>>> Inconsistency between user and DSP. crc_user is calculated at user library before
>>>> making ioctl call and it is compared against the crc data which is filled by DSP and
>>>> copied to user.
>>>> This covers inconsistency in buffer contents.
>>> What is the reason for possible inconsistencies? Is it a debugging
>>> feature?
>> This is a debugging feature. Buffer data corruption might result in inconsistency.
>>>>>>> Also, what if the DSP firmware doesn't support CRC? How should userspace
>>>>>>> know that?
>>>>>> CRC support on DSP is there since long time(>6years).
>>>>> This doesn't give us a lot. Upstream kernel supports fastrpc since
>>>>> MSM8916 and MSM8996. Do those platforms support CRC?
>>>> The metadata buffer as of today also carries space for CRC information:
>>>> So this is common across all platforms.
>>>> In case CRC is not supported on any older platform, it would result in crc mismatch at user library.
>>>> As of now a warning is getting logged there, I can add the information suggesting the failure might
>>>> also occur if CRC is not supported.
>>> Logs go to /dev/null, they are ignored by users, etc. So either there
>>> should be an actual error being returned by the kernel / library, or it
>>> can be completely ignored and skipped.
>>> So, do MSM8916 / MSM8996 / SDM845 support CRC? If not, that must be
>>> handled somehow.
>> I see it's supported on SDM845 but not on MSM89##. I'll just send the new patch version for now
>> as CRC mismatch failures are getting ignored.
> Please clearly document which platforms don't support CRC feature, the
> implications and the possible (userspace) impact. E.g. if the kernel
> logs a message for each call with failed CRC case, then this might cause
> a serious slowdown. Likewise a userspace lib might cause a slowdown.
> In fact, if CRC is a debugging feature, is it going to be enabled or
> disabled by default?
>>>>> And if they do, why do we need the invoke_v2? Can we modify existing
>>>>> code instead?
>>>> invoke_v2 is needed because there is a need to pass user crc pointer over ioctl call which
>>>> cannot be achieved using existing code. Also there are plans to add more features to this
>>>> invoke_v2 request which will carry some information from user.
>>> Is it really extensible without breaking the ABI?
>> I'm planning to keep reserved bits in uapi struct for the same. Do you see any
>> problem with this?
> Please keep Greg's comment in mind - verify that all reserved fields are
> zero.
Yes, I'll be ensuring checks for reserved fields.
>>>>>> From user space CRC check failure is
>>>>>> not fatal and is printed as a warning. But if copy of CRC to user fails, it will result in remote
>>>>>> call failure. Should I keep it as fatal considering that ever very old DSP support this or should
>>>>>> I consider the copy failure as non-fatal as userspace is treating this as a warning?
>>>>> warnings can remain unseen for a long time. Consider a GUI app. Nobody
>>>>> is there to view kernel warnings or library output.
>>>> Let me see if this can be done. Are you suggesting that the app will be somewhat tracking
>>>> if there is any crc check mismatch failures?
>>> I suggest returning -EIO to the app.
>> I'll check this.
>>>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Ekansh Gupta <quic_ekangupt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>>> drivers/misc/fastrpc.c | 161 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
>>>>>>>> include/uapi/misc/fastrpc.h | 7 ++
>>>>>>>> 2 files changed, 116 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
>>>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/misc/fastrpc.c b/drivers/misc/fastrpc.c
>>>>>>>> index 74181b8c386b..8e817a763d1d 100644
>>>>>>>> --- a/drivers/misc/fastrpc.c
>>>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/misc/fastrpc.c
>>>>>>>> @@ -573,13 +573,15 @@ static void fastrpc_get_buff_overlaps(struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *ctx)
>>>>>>>> static struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *fastrpc_context_alloc(
>>>>>>>> struct fastrpc_user *user, u32 kernel, u32 sc,
>>>>>>>> - struct fastrpc_invoke_args *args)
>>>>>>>> + struct fastrpc_invoke_v2 *inv2)
>>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>>> struct fastrpc_channel_ctx *cctx = user->cctx;
>>>>>>>> struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *ctx = NULL;
>>>>>>>> + struct fastrpc_invoke_args *args = NULL;
>>>>>>> Why do you need to init to NULL if you are going to set it two lines
>>>>>>> below?
>>>>>>>> unsigned long flags;
>>>>>>>> int ret;
>>>>>>>> + args = (struct fastrpc_invoke_args *)inv2->inv.args;
>>>>>>> Why does it need a typecast?
>>>>>>>> ctx = kzalloc(sizeof(*ctx), GFP_KERNEL);
>>>>>>>> if (!ctx)
>>>>>>>> return ERR_PTR(-ENOMEM);
>>>>>>>> @@ -611,6 +613,7 @@ static struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *fastrpc_context_alloc(
>>>>>>>> /* Released in fastrpc_context_put() */
>>>>>>>> fastrpc_channel_ctx_get(cctx);
>>>>>>>> + ctx->crc = (u32 *)(uintptr_t)inv2->crc;
>>>>>>> Oh, but why? Also is it a user pointer or in-kernel data? If it's a
>>>>>>> user-based pointer, where is the accessiblity check? Why isn't it
>>>>>>> annotated properly?
>>>>>> This is a user pointer where the crc data is expected to be copied. There is no
>>>>>> other access to this pointer from kernel. I'm planning to change the data type
>>>>>> for crc as (void __user*) inside fastrpc_invoke_ctx structure.
>>>>> Yes, please. Also make sure that sparse doesn't add any warnings
>>>>> regarding pointer conversions.
>>>> Ack.
>>>>>>>> ctx->sc = sc;
>>>>>>>> ctx->retval = -1;
>>>>>>>> ctx->pid = current->pid;
>>>>>>>> @@ -1070,6 +1073,7 @@ static int fastrpc_put_args(struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *ctx,
>>>>>>>> struct fastrpc_invoke_buf *list;
>>>>>>>> struct fastrpc_phy_page *pages;
>>>>>>>> u64 *fdlist;
>>>>>>>> + u32 *crclist;
>>>>>>>> int i, inbufs, outbufs, handles;
>>>>>>>> inbufs = REMOTE_SCALARS_INBUFS(ctx->sc);
>>>>>>>> @@ -1078,6 +1082,7 @@ static int fastrpc_put_args(struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *ctx,
>>>>>>>> list = fastrpc_invoke_buf_start(rpra, ctx->nscalars);
>>>>>>>> pages = fastrpc_phy_page_start(list, ctx->nscalars);
>>>>>>>> fdlist = (uint64_t *)(pages + inbufs + outbufs + handles);
>>>>>>>> + crclist = (u32 *)(fdlist + FASTRPC_MAX_FDLIST);
>>>>>>> I think we should rewrite this parsing somehow. Is the format of data
>>>>>>> documented somewhere?
>>>>>> fdlist, crclist and poll(planned) are the only pointers that is being used. I'm planning
>>>>>> to store these pointers to ctx structure and directly use it wherever needed. This will
>>>>>> clean-up this unnecessary calculations at multiple places.
>>>>> Please do. Nevertheless, the format also must be documented.
>>>> Ack.
>>>>>>>> for (i = inbufs; i < ctx->nbufs; ++i) {
>>>>>>>> if (!ctx->maps[i]) {
>>>>>>>> @@ -1102,6 +1107,12 @@ static int fastrpc_put_args(struct fastrpc_invoke_ctx *ctx,
>>>>>>>> fastrpc_map_put(mmap);
>>>>>>>> }
>>>>>>>> + if (ctx->crc && crclist && rpra) {
>>>>>>>> + if (copy_to_user((void __user *)ctx->crc, crclist,
>>>>>>>> + FASTRPC_MAX_CRCLIST * sizeof(u32)))
>>>>>>> Oh, so it's a user pointer. Then u32* was completely incorrect.
>>>>>>> Also you are copying FASTRPC_MAX_CRCLIST elements. Are all of them
>>>>>>> filled? Or are we leaking some data to userspace?
>>>>>> Yes, right. Planning clean-up in next patch.
>>>>>> All of FASTRPC_MAX_CRCLIST is filled with crc data by DSP so copying should be fine.
>>>>> Huh? I definitely want to see documentation for function arguments.
>>>> Sure. I'll also modify the metadata layout doc here to add fdlist, CRC and other planned contents.
>>> This is not a documentation. E.g. I can not write code using that
>>> description. For example, it mentions neither FDLIST nor CRC.
>> I'm planning to add complete documentation for CRC and polling mode in user library project.
>> If I need to add documentation in driver, can you pls suggest what is the right place to add
>> the information?
> Library should be fine. We don't require documenting all hardware in the
> kernel. But the uAPI of the driver should be properly described.
Understood, thanks.
>> Thanks for your comments.
>> --ekansh
>>>>>>>> + return -EFAULT;
>>>>>>>> + }
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> return 0;
>>>>>>>> }