Re: [PATCH 2/2] phy: qcom: qmp-pcie: Add PHY register retention support

From: Qiang Yu
Date: Fri Jan 24 2025 - 01:22:43 EST

On 1/22/2025 5:43 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
On Wed, Jan 22, 2025 at 03:17:39PM +0800, Wenbin Yao (Consultant) wrote:
On 1/21/2025 6:36 PM, Dmitry Baryshkov wrote:
On Tue, 21 Jan 2025 at 11:43, Wenbin Yao <quic_wenbyao@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
From: Qiang Yu <quic_qianyu@xxxxxxxxxxx>

Currently, BCR reset and PHY register setting are mandatory for every port
before link training. However, some QCOM PCIe PHYs support no_csr reset.
Different than BCR reset that is used to reset entire PHY including
hardware and register, once no_csr reset is toggled, only PHY hardware will
be reset but PHY registers will be retained,
I'm sorry, I can't parse this.
The difference between no_csr reset and bcr reset is that no_csr reset
doesn't reset the phy registers. If a phy is enabled in UEFI, its registers
are programed. After Linux boot up, the registers will not be reset but
keep the value programmed by UEFI if we only do no_csr reset, so we can
skip phy setting.
Please fix capitalization of the abbreviations (PHY, BCR) and add
similar text to the commit message.

which means PHY setting can
be skipped during PHY init if PCIe link was enabled in booltloader and only
no_csr is toggled after that.

Hence, determine whether the PHY has been enabled in bootloader by
verifying QPHY_START_CTRL register. If it is programmed and no_csr reset is
present, skip BCR reset and PHY register setting, so that PCIe link can be
established with no_csr reset only.
This doesn't tell us why we want to do so. The general rule is not to
depend on the bootloaders at all. The reason is pretty simple: it is
hard to update bootloaders, while it is relatively easy to update the
kernel. If the hardware team issues any kind of changes to the
programming tables, the kernel will get them earlier than the
With this change, we don't need to upstream phy setting for all phys
support no_csr reset, this will save a great deal of efforts and simplify
the phy driver. Our goal is to remove proprietary PCIe firmware operations
from kernel. PHY is just the start and will be followed by controller,
clocks, regulators, etc. If program table need to be changed, the place to
do that will be UEFI.
Well, that sounds like a very bad idea. Please don't do that. Linux
kernel drivers should not depend on the UEFI or a bootloader. Unless
there is a good reason for that, Linux should continue to be able to
reset and program the PCIe PHY (as well as all other hw blocks).
I'm wondering if it's really necessary for Linux to be able to program the
PHY. Perhaps Linux should only care about common aspects defined by the
PCIe spec like bus scanning, BAR space allocation, and functions provided
by other PCIe capabilities. As for the specific operations that are
different on various platforms, it might be more appropriate for the
firmware to take care of them. This way, the responsibilities can be more
clearly divided, and the driver could potentially be
more streamlined.

On the other hand, since the no_csr reset can retain register values,
maybe we should still make full use of it, even if we don't want to
rely on UEFI. For example, during runtime suspend/resume
(the D3cold -> D0 cycle), when re-initializing the PHY, same PHY
settings will be programmed again. This is a bit redundant.

Signed-off-by: Qiang Yu <quic_qianyu@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Signed-off-by: Wenbin Yao <quic_wenbyao@xxxxxxxxxxx>
drivers/phy/qualcomm/phy-qcom-qmp-pcie.c | 91 +++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 58 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)