Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix broken tsadc pinctrl binding for rk3588
From: Dragan Simic
Date: Fri Jan 24 2025 - 05:07:00 EST
Hello Alexey,
On 2025-01-24 09:33, Alexey Charkov wrote:
On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 9:26 AM Alexander Shiyan
<eagle.alexander923@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
There is no pinctrl "gpio" and "otpout" (probably designed as
handling in the tsadc driver.
Let's use proper binding "default" and "sleep".
This looks reasonable, however I've tried it on my Radxa Rock 5C and
the driver still doesn't claim GPIO0 RK_PA1 even with this change. As
a result, a simulated thermal runaway condition (I've changed the
tshut temperature to 65000 and tshut mode to 1) doesn't trigger a PMIC
reset, even though a direct `gpioset 0 1=0` does.
Are any additional changes needed to the driver itself?
I've been digging through this patch the whole TSADC/OTP thing in the
last couple of hours, and AFAIK some parts of the upstream driver are
still missing, in comparison with the downstream driver.
I've got some small suggestions for the patch itself, but the issue
you observed is obviously of higher priority, and I've singled it out
as well while digging through the code.
Could you, please, try the patch below quickly, to see is it going to
fix the issue you observed? I've got some "IRL stuff" to take care of
today, so I can't test it myself, and it would be great to know is it
the right path to the proper fix.
diff --git i/drivers/thermal/rockchip_thermal.c
index f551df48eef9..62f0e14a8d98 100644
--- i/drivers/thermal/rockchip_thermal.c
+++ w/drivers/thermal/rockchip_thermal.c
@@ -1568,6 +1568,11 @@ static int rockchip_thermal_probe(struct
platform_device *pdev)
thermal->chip->initialize(thermal->grf, thermal->regs,
+ if (thermal->tshut_mode == TSHUT_MODE_GPIO)
+ pinctrl_select_default_state(dev);
+ else
+ pinctrl_select_sleep_state(dev);
for (i = 0; i < thermal->chip->chn_num; i++) {
error = rockchip_thermal_register_sensor(pdev, thermal,
If you could test it, please, it would be great, and I'd prepare the
proper patch tomorrow or so.