Re: [PATCH] hid: intel-thc: fix CONFIG_HID dependency

From: Maximilian Luz
Date: Sat Jan 25 2025 - 11:35:50 EST

On 1/23/25 2:48 PM, Arnd Bergmann wrote:
From: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@xxxxxxxx>

In drivers/hid/, most drivers depend on CONFIG_HID, while a couple of the
drivers in subdirectories instead depend on CONFIG_HID_SUPPORT and use
'select HID'. With the newly added INTEL_THC_HID, this causes a build
warning for a circular dependency:

WARNING: unmet direct dependencies detected for HID
Depends on [m]: HID_SUPPORT [=y] && INPUT [=m]
Selected by [y]:
- INTEL_THC_HID [=y] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && X86_64 [=y] && PCI [=y] && ACPI [=y]

WARNING: unmet direct dependencies detected for INPUT_FF_MEMLESS
Depends on [m]: INPUT [=m]
Selected by [y]:
- HID_MICROSOFT [=y] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && HID [=y]
- GREENASIA_FF [=y] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && HID [=y] && HID_GREENASIA [=y]
- HID_WIIMOTE [=y] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && HID [=y] && LEDS_CLASS [=y]
- ZEROPLUS_FF [=y] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && HID [=y] && HID_ZEROPLUS [=y]
Selected by [m]:
- HID_ACRUX_FF [=y] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && HID [=y] && HID_ACRUX [=m]
- HID_EMS_FF [=m] && HID_SUPPORT [=y] && HID [=y]

It's better to be consistent and always use 'depends on HID' for HID
drivers. The notable exception here is USB_KBD/USB_MOUSE, which are
alternative implementations that do not depend on the HID subsystem.

Do this by extending the "if HID" section below, which means that a few
of the duplicate "depends on HID" and "depends on INPUT" statements
can be removed in the process.

Fixes: 1b2d05384c29 ("HID: intel-thc-hid: Add basic THC driver skeleton")
Signed-off-by: Arnd Bergmann <arnd@xxxxxxxx>

For hid/surface-hid:

Reviewed-by: Maximilian Luz <luzmaximilian@xxxxxxxxx>