Re: First kernel contribution, question

From: Christophe Leroy
Date: Sat Jan 25 2025 - 15:20:12 EST

Hi Jeremy,

Le 25/01/2025 à 18:47, Jeremy Clifton a écrit :

Hello, my name is Jeremy Clifton and I am just getting started with linux kernel development and contributions. I have recently created a patch and sent it out to your team.

Welcome. Please send plain text mails not html format.

After submitting my patch, *should I be able to see the patch on the patchwork site*? I don't see one.

Your patch was well received but is only addressed to linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and I don't think there is a patchwork for that list.

I know patchwork for powerpc list for modules list for network list etc ... but not the general kernel list.

The patchworks I know are located at:

But your patch is visible and cleanly applies anyway using b4:

$ b4 shazam 20250125154139.7565-1-deaner92@xxxxxxxxx
Grabbing thread from
Breaking thread to remove parents of 20250125154139.7565-1-deaner92@xxxxxxxxx
Checking for newer revisions
Grabbing search results from
Analyzing 1 messages in the thread
Looking for additional code-review trailers on
Analyzing 0 code-review messages
Checking attestation on all messages, may take a moment...
✓ [PATCH] init: Unnecessary braces around single line statment.
✓ Signed: DKIM/
Total patches: 1
Application de init: Unnecessary braces around single line statment.

I want to get this process right so that my contributions will go through. I don't see it on the site. Am I doing something wrong?

The process is well documented at

I edited the file at init/main.c to remove unnecessary braces on line 400.
I could not find my patch on the patchwork site and this made me think that I am starting in the wrong place.

Well, I'd suggest you to not send such trivial changes. Such changes are almost never taken as standelone. Cosmetic patches are usually considered when they are part of a wider series that does real changes at the same time.

I recommend you to spend your time on more interesting changes.

 Also, just saying 'hello'. I sent an email with the email address 'deaner92@xxxxxxxxx <mailto:deaner92@xxxxxxxxx>'.

Thank you all for your contributions and your time in reading over this email. Any guidance is gladly appreciated.
