Re: [PATCH V2 2/4] drivers/fpga/amd: Add communication channel

From: Yidong Zhang
Date: Sun Jan 26 2025 - 14:58:13 EST

On 1/26/25 02:19, Christophe JAILLET wrote:
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Le 10/12/2024 à 19:37, Yidong Zhang a écrit :
The communication channel (comm_chan) service is between versal-pci and the
user PF driver. When the user PF driver requests PL data download, the
comm_chan service will handle the request by versal_pci_load_xclbin.


+enum comm_chan_req_ops {
+     COMM_CHAN_REQ_OPS_UNKNOWN               = 0,
+     COMM_CHAN_REQ_OPS_HOT_RESET             = 5,

Unneeded comma after a terminator.

Will fix this.



+static void comm_chan_check_request(struct work_struct *w)
+     struct comm_chan_device *ccdev = to_ccdev_work(w);
+     u32 status = 0, request[COMM_CHAN_DATA_LEN] = {0};

These 2 initialisations are not needed.

Will fix this.

+     struct comm_chan_hw_msg *hw_msg;
+     u8 type, eom;
+     int i;
+     status = comm_chan_read(ccdev, COMM_CHAN_REG_IS_OFF);
+     if (!STATUS_IS_READY(status))
+             return;
+     if (STATUS_IS_ERROR(status)) {
+             vdev_err(ccdev->vdev, "An error has occurred with comms");
+             return;
+     }
+     /* ACK status */
+     comm_chan_write(ccdev, COMM_CHAN_REG_IS_OFF, status);
+     for (i = 0; i < COMM_CHAN_DATA_LEN; i++)
+             request[i] = comm_chan_read(ccdev, COMM_CHAN_REG_RDDATA_OFF);
