[PATCH v3 7/7] perf report: Add latency and parallelism profiling documentation

From: Dmitry Vyukov
Date: Mon Jan 27 2025 - 05:01:00 EST

Describe latency and parallelism profiling, related flags, and differences
with the currently only supported CPU-consumption-centric profiling.

Signed-off-by: Dmitry Vyukov <dvyukov@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Namhyung Kim <namhyung@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Arnaldo Carvalho de Melo <acme@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Ian Rogers <irogers@xxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: linux-perf-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: linux-kernel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
.../callchain-overhead-calculation.txt | 5 +-
.../cpu-and-latency-overheads.txt | 85 +++++++++++++++++++
tools/perf/Documentation/perf-report.txt | 49 +++++++----
tools/perf/Documentation/tips.txt | 3 +
4 files changed, 123 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/callchain-overhead-calculation.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/callchain-overhead-calculation.txt
index 1a757927195ed..e0202bf5bd1a0 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/callchain-overhead-calculation.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/callchain-overhead-calculation.txt
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
Overhead calculation
-The overhead can be shown in two columns as 'Children' and 'Self' when
-perf collects callchains. The 'self' overhead is simply calculated by
+The CPU overhead can be shown in two columns as 'Children' and 'Self'
+when perf collects callchains (and corresponding 'Wall' columns for
+wall-clock overhead). The 'self' overhead is simply calculated by
adding all period values of the entry - usually a function (symbol).
This is the value that perf shows traditionally and sum of all the
'self' overhead values should be 100%.
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/cpu-and-latency-overheads.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/cpu-and-latency-overheads.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..3b6d637054651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/cpu-and-latency-overheads.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+CPU and latency overheads
+There are two notions of time: wall-clock time and CPU time.
+For a single-threaded program, or a program running on a single-core machine,
+these notions are the same. However, for a multi-threaded/multi-process program
+running on a multi-core machine, these notions are significantly different.
+Each second of wall-clock time we have number-of-cores seconds of CPU time.
+Perf can measure overhead for both of these times (shown in 'overhead' and
+'latency' columns for CPU and wall-clock time correspondingly).
+Optimizing CPU overhead is useful to improve 'throughput', while optimizing
+latency overhead is useful to improve 'latency'. It's important to understand
+which one is useful in a concrete situation at hand. For example, the former
+may be useful to improve max throughput of a CI build server that runs on 100%
+CPU utilization, while the latter may be useful to improve user-perceived
+latency of a single interactive program build.
+These overheads may be significantly different in some cases. For example,
+consider a program that executes function 'foo' for 9 seconds with 1 thread,
+and then executes function 'bar' for 1 second with 128 threads (consumes
+128 seconds of CPU time). The CPU overhead is: 'foo' - 6.6%, 'bar' - 93.4%.
+While the latency overhead is: 'foo' - 90%, 'bar' - 10%. If we try to optimize
+running time of the program looking at the (wrong in this case) CPU overhead,
+we would concentrate on the function 'bar', but it can yield only 10% running
+time improvement at best.
+By default, perf shows only CPU overhead. To show latency overhead, use
+'perf record --latency' and 'perf report':
+Overhead Latency Command
+ 93.88% 25.79% cc1
+ 1.90% 39.87% gzip
+ 0.99% 10.16% dpkg-deb
+ 0.57% 1.00% as
+ 0.40% 0.46% sh
+To sort by latency overhead, use 'perf report --latency':
+Latency Overhead Command
+ 39.87% 1.90% gzip
+ 25.79% 93.88% cc1
+ 10.16% 0.99% dpkg-deb
+ 4.17% 0.29% git
+ 2.81% 0.11% objtool
+To get insight into the difference between the overheads, you may check
+parallelization histogram with '--sort=latency,parallelism,comm,symbol --hierarchy'
+flags. It shows fraction of (wall-clock) time the workload utilizes different
+numbers of cores ('Parallelism' column). For example, in the following case
+the workload utilizes only 1 core most of the time, but also has some
+highly-parallel phases, which explains significant difference between
+CPU and wall-clock overheads:
+ Latency Overhead Parallelism / Command / Symbol
++ 56.98% 2.29% 1
++ 16.94% 1.36% 2
++ 4.00% 20.13% 125
++ 3.66% 18.25% 124
++ 3.48% 17.66% 126
++ 3.26% 0.39% 3
++ 2.61% 12.93% 123
+By expanding corresponding lines, you may see what commands/functions run
+at the given parallelism level:
+ Latency Overhead Parallelism / Command / Symbol
+- 56.98% 2.29% 1
+ 32.80% 1.32% gzip
+ 4.46% 0.18% cc1
+ 2.81% 0.11% objtool
+ 2.43% 0.10% dpkg-source
+ 2.22% 0.09% ld
+ 2.10% 0.08% dpkg-genchanges
+To see the normal function-level profile for particular parallelism levels
+(number of threads actively running on CPUs), you may use '--parallelism'
+filter. For example, to see the profile only for low parallelism phases
+of a workload use '--latency --parallelism=1-2' flags.
diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-report.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-report.txt
index 87f8645194062..7e0ba990d71e8 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-report.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/perf-report.txt
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ OPTIONS
Only consider symbols in these comms. CSV that understands
file://filename entries. This option will affect the percentage of
- the overhead column. See --percentage for more info.
+ the overhead and latency columns. See --percentage for more info.
Only show events for given process ID (comma separated list).

@@ -54,12 +54,12 @@ OPTIONS
Only consider symbols in these dsos. CSV that understands
file://filename entries. This option will affect the percentage of
- the overhead column. See --percentage for more info.
+ the overhead and latency columns. See --percentage for more info.
Only consider these symbols. CSV that understands
file://filename entries. This option will affect the percentage of
- the overhead column. See --percentage for more info.
+ the overhead and latency columns. See --percentage for more info.

Only show symbols that match (partially) with this filter.
@@ -68,6 +68,16 @@ OPTIONS
Only display entries resolved to a symbol.

+ Only consider these parallelism levels. Parallelism level is the number
+ of threads that actively run on CPUs at the time of sample. The flag
+ accepts single number, comma-separated list, and ranges (for example:
+ "1", "7,8", "1,64-128"). This is useful in understanding what a program
+ is doing during sequential/low-parallelism phases as compared to
+ high-parallelism phases. This option will affect the percentage of
+ the overhead and latency columns. See --percentage for more info.
+ Also see the `CPU and latency overheads' section for more details.
Sort histogram entries by given key(s) - multiple keys can be specified
@@ -87,6 +97,7 @@ OPTIONS
entries are displayed as "[other]".
- cpu: cpu number the task ran at the time of sample
- socket: processor socket number the task ran at the time of sample
+ - parallelism: number of running threads at the time of sample
- srcline: filename and line number executed at the time of sample. The
DWARF debugging info must be provided.
- srcfile: file name of the source file of the samples. Requires dwarf
@@ -97,12 +108,14 @@ OPTIONS
- cgroup_id: ID derived from cgroup namespace device and inode numbers.
- cgroup: cgroup pathname in the cgroupfs.
- transaction: Transaction abort flags.
- - overhead: Overhead percentage of sample
- - overhead_sys: Overhead percentage of sample running in system mode
- - overhead_us: Overhead percentage of sample running in user mode
- - overhead_guest_sys: Overhead percentage of sample running in system mode
+ - overhead: CPU overhead percentage of sample.
+ - latency: latency (wall-clock) overhead percentage of sample.
+ See the `CPU and latency overheads' section for more details.
+ - overhead_sys: CPU overhead percentage of sample running in system mode
+ - overhead_us: CPU overhead percentage of sample running in user mode
+ - overhead_guest_sys: CPU overhead percentage of sample running in system mode
on guest machine
- - overhead_guest_us: Overhead percentage of sample running in user mode on
+ - overhead_guest_us: CPU overhead percentage of sample running in user mode on
guest machine
- sample: Number of sample
- period: Raw number of event count of sample
@@ -125,8 +138,8 @@ OPTIONS
- weight2: Average value of event specific weight (2nd field of weight_struct).
- weight3: Average value of event specific weight (3rd field of weight_struct).

- By default, comm, dso and symbol keys are used.
- (i.e. --sort comm,dso,symbol)
+ By default, overhead, comm, dso and symbol keys are used.
+ (i.e. --sort overhead,comm,dso,symbol).

If --branch-stack option is used, following sort keys are also
@@ -201,9 +214,9 @@ OPTIONS
Specify output field - multiple keys can be specified in CSV format.
Following fields are available:
- overhead, overhead_sys, overhead_us, overhead_children, sample, period,
- weight1, weight2, weight3, ins_lat, p_stage_cyc and retire_lat. The
- last 3 names are alias for the corresponding weights. When the weight
+ overhead, latency, overhead_sys, overhead_us, overhead_children, sample,
+ period, weight1, weight2, weight3, ins_lat, p_stage_cyc and retire_lat.
+ The last 3 names are alias for the corresponding weights. When the weight
fields are used, they will show the average value of the weight.

Also it can contain any sort key(s).
@@ -289,7 +302,7 @@ OPTIONS
Accumulate callchain of children to parent entry so that then can
show up in the output. The output will have a new "Children" column
and will be sorted on the data. It requires callchains are recorded.
- See the `overhead calculation' section for more details. Enabled by
+ See the `Overhead calculation' section for more details. Enabled by
default, disable with --no-children.

@@ -442,9 +455,9 @@ OPTIONS
--call-graph option for details.

- Determine how to display the overhead percentage of filtered entries.
- Filters can be applied by --comms, --dsos and/or --symbols options and
- Zoom operations on the TUI (thread, dso, etc).
+ Determine how to display the CPU and latency overhead percentage
+ of filtered entries. Filters can be applied by --comms, --dsos, --symbols
+ and/or --parallelism options and Zoom operations on the TUI (thread, dso, etc).

"relative" means it's relative to filtered entries only so that the
sum of shown entries will be always 100%. "absolute" means it retains
@@ -627,6 +640,8 @@ include::itrace.txt[]
Do not print 0 results in the --stat output.


diff --git a/tools/perf/Documentation/tips.txt b/tools/perf/Documentation/tips.txt
index 67b326ba00407..f6f71e70ff2cb 100644
--- a/tools/perf/Documentation/tips.txt
+++ b/tools/perf/Documentation/tips.txt
@@ -62,3 +62,6 @@ To show context switches in perf report sample context add --switch-events to pe
To show time in nanoseconds in record/report add --ns
To compare hot regions in two workloads use perf record -b -o file ... ; perf diff --stream file1 file2
To compare scalability of two workload samples use perf diff -c ratio file1 file2
+For latency profiling, try: perf record/report --latency
+For parallelism histogram, try: perf report --hierarchy --sort latency,parallelism,comm,symbol
+To analyze particular parallelism levels, try: perf report --latency --parallelism=32-64