Re: [PATCH v2 3/3] cgroup/rstat: Add run_delay accounting for cgroups

From: Michal Koutný
Date: Mon Jan 27 2025 - 09:10:17 EST


On Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 01:25:12PM +0800, Abel Wu <wuyun.abel@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The per-task and per-cpu accounting have already been tracked by
> t->sched_info.run_delay and rq->rq_sched_info.run_delay respectively.
> Extends this to also include cgroups.
> The PSI indicator, "some" of cpu.pressure, loses the insight into how
> severely that cgroup is stalled. Say 100 tasks or just 1 task that gets
> stalled at a certain point will show no difference in "some" pressure.
> IOW "some" is a flat value that not weighted by the severity (e.g. # of
> tasks).

IIUC below are three examples of when "some" tasks are waiting for CPU:

t1 |----|
t2 |xx--|

t1 |----|
t2 |x---|
t3 |-x--|

t1 |----|
t2 |xx--|
t3 |xx--|

(- means runnable on CPU, x means runnable waiting on RQ)

Which pair from a), b), c) is indistinguishable via PSI? (Or can you
please add your illustrative example?)
And how do per-cgroup run_delay distinguishe those?


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