Re: [RFC PATCH 2/2] livepatch: Implement livepatch hybrid mode
From: Yafang Shao
Date: Mon Jan 27 2025 - 10:35:36 EST
On Mon, Jan 27, 2025 at 10:31 PM Petr Mladek <pmladek@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Mon 2025-01-27 14:35:26, Yafang Shao wrote:
> > The atomic replace livepatch mechanism was introduced to handle scenarios
> > where we want to unload a specific livepatch without unloading others.
> > However, its current implementation has significant shortcomings, making
> > it less than ideal in practice. Below are the key downsides:
> [...]
> > In the hybrid mode:
> >
> > - Specific livepatches can be marked as "non-replaceable" to ensure they
> > remain active and unaffected during replacements.
> >
> > - Other livepatches can be marked as "replaceable," allowing targeted
> > replacements of only those patches.
> >
> > This selective approach would reduce unnecessary transitions, lower the
> > risk of temporary patch loss, and mitigate performance issues during
> > livepatch replacement.
> >
> > --- a/kernel/livepatch/core.c
> > +++ b/kernel/livepatch/core.c
> > @@ -658,6 +658,8 @@ static int klp_add_nops(struct klp_patch *patch)
> > klp_for_each_object(old_patch, old_obj) {
> > int err;
> >
> > + if (!old_patch->replaceable)
> > + continue;
> This is one example where things might get very complicated.
Why does this example even exist in the first place?
If hybrid mode is enabled, this scenario could have been avoided entirely.
> The same function might be livepatched by more livepatches, see
> ops->func_stack. For example, let's have funcA and three livepatches:
> a
> + lp1:
> .replace = false,
> .non-replace = true,
> .func = {
> .old_name = "funcA",
> .new_func = lp1_funcA,
> }, { }
> + lp2:
> .replace = false,
> .non-replace = false,
> .func = {
> .old_name = "funcA",
> .new_func = lp2_funcA,
> },{
> .old_name = "funcB",
> .new_func = lp2_funcB,
> }, { }
> + lp3:
> .replace = true,
> .non-replace = false,
> .func = {
> .old_name = "funcB",
> .new_func = lp3_funcB,
> }, { }
> Now, apply lp1:
> + funcA() gets redirected to lp1_funcA()
> Then, apply lp2
> + funcA() gets redirected to lp2_funcA()
> Finally, apply lp3:
> + The proposed code would add "nop()" for
> funcA() because it exists in lp2 and does not exist in lp3.
> + funcA() will get redirected to the original code
> because of the nop() during transition
> + nop() will get removed in klp_complete_transition() and
> funcA() will get suddenly redirected to lp1_funcA()
> because it will still be on ops->func_stack even
> after the "nop" and lp2_funcA() gets removed.
> => The entire system will start using another funcA
> implementation at some random time
> => this would violate the consistency model
> The proper solution might be tricky:
> 1. We would need to detect this situation and do _not_ add
> the "nop" for lp3 and funcA().
> 2. We would need a more complicate code for handling the task states.
> klp_update_patch_state() sets task->patch_state using
> the global "klp_target_state". But in the above example,
> when enabling lp3:
> + funcA would need to get transitioned _backward_:
> , so that it goes on ops->func_stack:
> lp2_funcA -> lp1->funcA
> while:
> + funcA would need to get transitioned forward:
> , so that it goes on ops->func_stack:
> lp2_funcB -> lp3->funcB
> => the hybrid mode would complicate the life for both livepatch
> creators/maintainers and kernel code developers/maintainers.
I don’t believe they should be held responsible for poor
configurations. These settings could have been avoided from the start.
There are countless tunable knobs in the system—should we try to
accommodate every possible combination? No, that’s not how systems are
designed to operate. Instead, we should identify and follow best
practices to ensure optimal functionality.
> I am afraid that this complexity is not acceptable if there are
> better solutions for the original problem.
> > err = klp_add_object_nops(patch, old_obj);
> > if (err)
> > return err;
> I am sorry but I am quite strongly against this approach!
> Best Regards,
> Petr