[PATCH v2 1/1] gitlab-ci: Let project define runner using environment variables

From: Leonardo Bras
Date: Mon Jan 27 2025 - 13:59:26 EST

Currently it's not possible to select which runner will handle a pipeline
without changing the codebase.

Add KCI_CI_TAGS environment variable, which can be used to select a runner
either from a commit message, or directly from Gitlab interface.
If not set in any way, the project will pick the default runner.

Also add Documentation for this variable.

Signed-off-by: Leonardo Bras <leobras@xxxxxxxxxx>
Documentation/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.rst | 5 +++++
tools/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.yml | 2 ++
2 files changed, 7 insertions(+)

diff --git a/Documentation/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.rst b/Documentation/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.rst
index 940a800069238..ce89e4c093863 100644
--- a/Documentation/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.rst
+++ b/Documentation/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.rst
@@ -371,20 +371,25 @@ Description of Each Variable
Used in `checkpatch.pl "$KCI_CHECKPATCH_OPTIONS"` (see checkpatch
documentation). It is commonly used with the --ignore flag to suppress
specific warnings generated by checkpatch.pl. It can also be defined in the
commit message, since it is evaluated in run time.

Used to define the size of the patch series, see `job: checkpatch` section
above. It is evaluated in run time, and can be set in the commit message.

+ Used to help choose which runner will deal with the current pipeline.
+ Make sure to use a runner with at least 16GB of RAM, as this is required
+ to build & commit the base image.
.. _triggering-pipelines-from-command-line:

Triggering Pipelines from Command Line

Pipelines can be triggered from the command line with custom variables using the
`GitLab CLI tool <https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/editor_extensions/gitlab_cli>`_.


diff --git a/tools/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.yml b/tools/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.yml
index d2679d9929de1..f49105ee61be6 100644
--- a/tools/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.yml
+++ b/tools/ci/gitlab-ci/gitlab-ci.yml
@@ -34,20 +34,22 @@ workflow:

SMATCH_DB_DIR: /smatch/smatch_data
# exit code of bash script on `script` will be the exit code of the job
description: Set to any non-empty value to disable scenarios
value: ""

+ tags:
- artifacts/
when: always

- remote: 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/freedesktop/ci-templates/-/raw/16bc29078de5e0a067ff84a1a199a3760d3b3811/templates/debian.yml'

- tools/ci/gitlab-ci/container.yml
- tools/ci/gitlab-ci/cache.yml