Re: [PATCH 00/20] Add support for shared PTEs across processes

From: Anthony Yznaga
Date: Mon Jan 27 2025 - 19:00:54 EST

On 1/27/25 2:33 PM, Andrew Morton wrote:
On Fri, 24 Jan 2025 15:54:34 -0800 Anthony Yznaga <anthony.yznaga@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Memory pages shared between processes require page table entries
(PTEs) for each process. Each of these PTEs consume some of
the memory and as long as the number of mappings being maintained
is small enough, this space consumed by page tables is not
objectionable. When very few memory pages are shared between
processes, the number of PTEs to maintain is mostly constrained by
the number of pages of memory on the system. As the number of shared
pages and the number of times pages are shared goes up, amount of
memory consumed by page tables starts to become significant. This
issue does not apply to threads. Any number of threads can share the
same pages inside a process while sharing the same PTEs. Extending
this same model to sharing pages across processes can eliminate this
issue for sharing across processes as well.



mshare does not introduce a new API. It instead uses existing APIs
to implement page table sharing. The steps to use this feature are:

1. Mount msharefs on /sys/fs/mshare -
mount -t msharefs msharefs /sys/fs/mshare

2. mshare regions have alignment and size requirements. Start
address for the region must be aligned to an address boundary and
be a multiple of fixed size. This alignment and size requirement
can be obtained by reading the file /sys/fs/mshare/mshare_info
which returns a number in text format. mshare regions must be
aligned to this boundary and be a multiple of this size.

3. For the process creating an mshare region:
a. Create a file on /sys/fs/mshare, for example -
fd = open("/sys/fs/mshare/shareme",

b. Establish the starting address and size of the region
struct mshare_info minfo;

minfo.start = TB(2);
minfo.size = BUFFER_SIZE;
ioctl(fd, MSHAREFS_SET_SIZE, &minfo)

c. Map some memory in the region
struct mshare_create mcreate;

mcreate.addr = TB(2);
mcreate.size = BUFFER_SIZE;
mcreate.offset = 0;
mcreate.prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
mcreate.fd = -1;

ioctl(fd, MSHAREFS_CREATE_MAPPING, &mcreate)
I'm not really understanding why step a exists. It's basically an
mmap() so why can't this be done within step d?

One way to think of it is that step d establishes a window to the mshare region and the objects mapped within it.

Discussions on earlier iterations of mshare pushed back strongly on introducing special casing in the mmap path to redirect mmaps that fell within an mshare region to map into an mshare mm. Even then it gets messier for munmap, i.e. does an unmap of the whole range mean unmap the window or unmap the objects within it.

d. Map the mshare region into the process
mmap((void *)TB(2), BUF_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

e. Write and read to mshared region normally.

4. For processes attaching an mshare region:
a. Open the file on msharefs, for example -
fd = open("/sys/fs/mshare/shareme", O_RDWR);

b. Get information about mshare'd region from the file:
struct mshare_info minfo;

ioctl(fd, MSHAREFS_GET_SIZE, &minfo);

c. Map the mshare'd region into the process
mmap(minfo.start, minfo.size,

5. To delete the mshare region -

The userspace intergace is the thing we should initially consider. I'm
having ancient memories of hugetlbfs. Over time it was seen that
hugetlbfs was too standalone and huge pages became more (and more (and
more (and more))) integrated into regular MM code. Can we expect a
similar evolution with pte-shared memory and if so, is this the correct
interface to be starting out with?

I don't know. This is an approach that has been refined through a number of discussions, but I'm certainly open to alternatives.
