Re: [PATCH] arm64: dts: rockchip: Fix broken tsadc pinctrl binding for rk3588
From: Alexey Charkov
Date: Tue Jan 28 2025 - 05:30:29 EST
On Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 1:24 PM Dragan Simic <dsimic@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hello Alexander,
> On 2025-01-26 15:25, Alexander Shiyan wrote:
> >> > > I think it's actually better to accept the approach in Alexander's
> >> > > patch, because the whole thing applies to other Rockchip SoCs as well,
> >> > > not just to the RK3588(S).
> >> >
> >> > Anyway, I've just tried it after including the changes below, and
> >> > while /sys/kernel/debug/pinctrl/pinctrl-handles shows the expected
> >> > pinctrls under tsadc, the driver still doesn't seem to be triggering a
> >> > PMIC reset. Weird. Any thoughts welcome.
> >>
> >> I found the culprit. "otpout" (or "default" if we follow Alexander's
> >> suggested approach) pinctrl state should refer to the &tsadc_shut_org
> >> config instead of &tsadc_shut - then the PMIC reset works.
> >
> > Great, I'll use this in v2.
> Please, let's wait with the v2 until I go through the whole thing again
I, for one, would welcome a v2 that could be tested and confirmed
working with and without driver changes. Especially given that:
- the changes are pretty small
- hardware docs say nothing about the difference between TSADC_SHUT
vs. TSADC_SHUT_ORG, except that one is config #2 and the other is
config #1
- none of the source trees I looked at seem to enable PMIC based
resets on any RK3588-based boards, so these pinctrl configs appear to
have never been tested in the wild for RK3588*
So trying and testing seems to be the only way to understand the best
way forward. Unless, of course, someone from Rockchip can comment on
how the hardware works with TSADC_SHUT vs. TSADC_SHUT_ORG.
Best regards,
> which I expected to have done already, but had some other "IRL stuff"
> that
> introduced a delay.