Hi Hans,That is why we also did not try to add some BGGR-IR format, because there were too many combinations possible. Even if we are using just one particular format, someone else would probably need another format, and in the end, we agree that such a solution won't scale. So, separating the size from the CFA information seems the practical thing to do.
On Sat, Jan 25, 2025 at 11:12:16AM +0100, Hans de Goede wrote:
On 25-Jan-25 1:14 AM, Laurent Pinchart wrote:
On Fri, Jan 24, 2025 at 06:17:40PM +0100, Hans de Goede wrote:
On 26-Nov-24 4:50 PM, Mirela Rabulea wrote:Yes, adding new pixel formats and media bus codes to represent CFA
Add a v4l2 subdevice driver for the Omnivision OX05B1S RGB-IR sensor.Thank you for your contribution, I noticed in $subject
The Omnivision OX05B1S is a 1/2.5-Inch CMOS image sensor with an
active array size of 2592 x 1944.
The following features are supported for OX05B1S:
- Manual exposure an gain control support
- vblank/hblank control support
- Supported resolution: 2592 x 1944 @ 30fps (SGRBG10)
Signed-off-by: Mirela Rabulea <mirela.rabulea@xxxxxxx>
that the model-nr ends in a "S" and that you describe
this as a RGB-IR sensor.
I've been working on OV01A1S support myself and one of
the issues is how to communicate the RGB-IR color-filter
to userspace.
I see here:
+static const struct ox05b1s_sizes ox05b1s_supported_codes[] = {That you are using MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGRBG10_1X10, but that suggests
+ {
+ .code = MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGRBG10_1X10,
+ .sizes = ox05b1s_sgrbg10_sizes,
+ }, {
+ /* sentinel */
+ }
this sensor is using a plain Bayer color filter which is not correct.
Here is what I have come up with:
diff --git a/include/linux/drm_fourcc.h b/include/linux/drm_fourcc.h
index db679877..68ed65c5 100644
--- a/include/linux/drm_fourcc.h
+++ b/include/linux/drm_fourcc.h
@@ -447,6 +447,8 @@ extern "C" {
#define DRM_FORMAT_SGRBG10 fourcc_code('B', 'A', '1', '0')
#define DRM_FORMAT_SGBRG10 fourcc_code('G', 'B', '1', '0')
#define DRM_FORMAT_SBGGR10 fourcc_code('B', 'G', '1', '0')
+/* Mixed 10 bit bayer + ir pixel pattern found on Omnivision ov01a1s */
+#define DRM_FORMAT_SIGIG_GBGR_IGIG_GRGB10 fourcc_code('O', 'V', '1', 'S')
/* 12-bit Bayer formats */
#define DRM_FORMAT_SRGGB12 fourcc_code('R', 'G', '1', '2')
diff --git a/include/linux/media-bus-format.h b/include/linux/media-bus-format.h
index b6acf8c8..e2938f0d 100644
--- a/include/linux/media-bus-format.h
+++ b/include/linux/media-bus-format.h
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_YUV16_1X48 0x202a
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_UYYVYY16_0_5X48 0x202b
-/* Bayer - next is 0x3025 */
+/* Bayer - next is 0x3026 */
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SBGGR8_1X8 0x3001
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGBRG8_1X8 0x3013
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGRBG8_1X8 0x3002
@@ -159,6 +159,8 @@
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGBRG20_1X20 0x3022
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGRBG20_1X20 0x3023
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SRGGB20_1X20 0x3024
+/* Mixed bayer + ir pixel pattern found on ov01a1s */
/* JPEG compressed formats - next is 0x4002 */
#define MEDIA_BUS_FMT_JPEG_1X8 0x4001
diff --git a/include/linux/videodev2.h b/include/linux/videodev2.h
index 3829c0b6..1b91ed0e 100644
--- a/include/linux/videodev2.h
+++ b/include/linux/videodev2.h
@@ -706,6 +706,9 @@ struct v4l2_pix_format {
#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGBRG16 v4l2_fourcc('G', 'B', '1', '6') /* 16 GBGB.. RGRG.. */
#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGRBG16 v4l2_fourcc('G', 'R', '1', '6') /* 16 GRGR.. BGBG.. */
#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SRGGB16 v4l2_fourcc('R', 'G', '1', '6') /* 16 RGRG.. GBGB.. */
+ /* 10bit mixed bayer + ir pixel pattern found on ov01a1s */
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SIGIG_GBGR_IGIG_GRGB10 v4l2_fourcc('O', 'V', '1', 'S') /* unpacked */
+#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_SIGIG_GBGR_IGIG_GRGB10P v4l2_fourcc('O', 'V', '1', 'P') /* packed */
/* HSV formats */
#define V4L2_PIX_FMT_HSV24 v4l2_fourcc('H', 'S', 'V', '3')
For this, note:
1. This is against libcamera's copy of the relevant linux headers, the paths
to the .h files are different in the kernel
2. Since I wrote this I learned that it looks like the intel driver for
the ov01a1s:
may have enabled horizontal-flip / mirroring by default, which means that
the order of each of the quads needs to be flipped.
IMHO we need to resolve how to communicate the color-filters used on
these OV xxxxx"S" models to userspace. When I last discussed this with
Laurent, Laurent suggested using V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y10, combined with
a new field or v4l2-control to query the actual filter.
patterns won't scale. We need to switch to using controls to report
those. Sakari is already working on a series for that.
Looking forward for that :)Interesting, do you have a link to Sakari's work ?I don't think it has been posted yet (Sakari can correct me if I'm
wrong). I believe the plan is to include it in a new version of "RFC v4
0/9] Sub-device configuration models".
For this ox05b1s sensor specifically, the CFA pattern is
It depends. I don't know if that's the case for this particular sensor,Ok, so what does that mean for upstreaming support for omnivisionThe idea is to separate the depth/packing info from the filter info,Changes in libcamera are surely needed. There's work to be done, we'll
avoiding the possible combinatioral explosion of needing this special
filter with all possible deths. I gave this a quick try but at least on
the libcamera side there is still a lot of code assuming that both
depth and color-filter-type are communicated through a single fmt
integer. Also it seems that in practice there only is this one new
RGB-IR color filter used on the OV xxxxx"S" models so I think we
need just 1 new V4L2_PIX_FMT_ define (*).
do the work, and we'll solve this problem. Let's focus the effort in
that direction.
OVxxxxS sensors? Clearly advertising MEDIA_BUS_FMT_SGRBG10_1X10 is
wrong. So I guess that upstreaming this driver needs to wait until
at least the kernel API side of this is resolved?
but I wouldn't be surprised if some sensors could interpolate
neighbouring pixels to replace the IR pixels and produce a regular 2x2
Bayer CFA pattern. If the sensor you're working with can do that, then
the feature can be enabled by default, and the driver can advertise the
corresponding existing media bus code. Otherwise, let's cooperate to
review and merge the subdev configuration models series :-)
Sensors relying on the new CFA control to communicatethe CFA typeI believe the plan is to use new RAW media bus codes, but we can also
could use a new (e.g.) MEDIA_BUS_FMT_RAW_1X10 or are we going to re-use
the monochrome (Y only) media bus fmts, so e.g. this sensor would
advertise MEDIA_BUS_FMT_Y10_1X10 and then the CFA control would provide
the actual CFA info ?
IMHO re-using the monochrome (Y only) media bus fmts seems best
to avoid needing to have to make a "RAW" copy of all of them.
consider reusing the Y formats.
This also matches with what we are already doing for IR only sensors.I don't think I would report the sensitivity to light of individual
AFAIK MEDIA_BUS_FMT_Y10_1X10 is currently already used for infrared
sensors, so sticking with that and adding a IR CFA option to
the CFA control to make clear this really is IR (*) seems to make
sensor for IR only sensors. At which point extending this to RGB-IR
sensors seems logical.
*) Actually the whole spectrum the sensor is sensitive to really AFAIK
pixels through the new CFA pattern control. It seems a candidate for a
different API if we want to expose it from kernel to userspace, but we
could also simply add it to the camera sensor database in libcamera.
Laurent Pinchart