Re: [PATCH 2/4] arm64: dts: ti: k3-am62a-mcu: Add R5F remote proc node

From: Judith Mendez
Date: Tue Jan 28 2025 - 12:48:55 EST

Hi Andrew,

On 1/28/25 10:52 AM, Hari Nagalla wrote:
On 1/28/25 10:27, Andrew Davis wrote:
+    mcu_r5fss0: r5fss@79000000 {
+        compatible = "ti,am62-r5fss";
+        #address-cells = <1>;
+        #size-cells = <1>;
+        ranges = <0x79000000 0x00 0x79000000 0x8000>,
+             <0x79020000 0x00 0x79020000 0x8000>;
+        power-domains = <&k3_pds 7 TI_SCI_PD_EXCLUSIVE>;

Newline here.

Also this should be default "disabled". It can be set to "okay"
in the board DTS file when the needed mboxes and memory-region
are set. Speaking of that, where are those patches? This is
incomplete without them and these nodes will not function.
Same for the DSP patch.

Yes, by default needs to set the node state to "disabled". This is HW description of the wake-up domain components. Memory carve outs and mailbox assignments for IPC are a separate patch as it is configurable and distro dependent.

Yes I plan to disable the nodes in each domain .dtsi file.

Also yes, my understanding is that the memory carveouts could
be a separate series if at all. Not sure if those patches can be
sent upstream since they are distro dependent. Can anyone clarify
if this is the case?

~ Judith