Re: [PATCH 00/20] Add support for shared PTEs across processes

From: Anthony Yznaga
Date: Tue Jan 28 2025 - 14:42:09 EST

On 1/28/25 1:36 AM, David Hildenbrand wrote:

mshare does not introduce a new API. It instead uses existing APIs
to implement page table sharing. The steps to use this feature are:

1. Mount msharefs on /sys/fs/mshare -
         mount -t msharefs msharefs /sys/fs/mshare

2. mshare regions have alignment and size requirements. Start
    address for the region must be aligned to an address boundary and
    be a multiple of fixed size. This alignment and size requirement
    can be obtained by reading the file /sys/fs/mshare/mshare_info
    which returns a number in text format. mshare regions must be
    aligned to this boundary and be a multiple of this size.

3. For the process creating an mshare region:
         a. Create a file on /sys/fs/mshare, for example -
                 fd = open("/sys/fs/mshare/shareme",
                                 O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_EXCL, 0600);

         b. Establish the starting address and size of the region
                 struct mshare_info minfo;

                 minfo.start = TB(2);
                 minfo.size = BUFFER_SIZE;
                 ioctl(fd, MSHAREFS_SET_SIZE, &minfo)

We could set the size using ftruncate, just like for any other file. It would have to be the first thing after creating the file, and before we allow any other modifications.

I'll look into this.

Idealy, we'd be able to get rid of the "start", use something resaonable (e.g., TB(2)) internally, and allow processes to mmap() it at different (suitably-aligned) addresses.

I recall we discussed that in the past. Did you stumble over real blockers such that we really must mmap() the file at the same address in all processes? I recall some things around TLB flushing, but not sure. So we might have to stick to an mmap address for now.

It's not hard to implement this. It does have the affect that rmap walks will find the internal VA rather than the actual VA for a given process. For TLB flushing this isn't a problem for the current implementation because all TLBs are flushed entirely. I don't know if there might be other complications. It does mean that an offset rather than address should be used when creating a mapping as you point out below.

When using fallocate/stat to set/query the file size, we could end up with:

 * Set the address where this file can be mapped into processes. Other
 * addresses are not supported for now, and mmap will fail. Changing the
 * mmap address after mappings were already created is not supported.

I'll look into this, too.

         c. Map some memory in the region
                 struct mshare_create mcreate;

                 mcreate.addr = TB(2);

Can we use the offset into the virtual file instead? We should be able to perform that translation internally fairly easily I assume.

Yes, an offset would be preferable. Especially if mapping the same file at different VAs is implemented.

                 mcreate.size = BUFFER_SIZE;
                 mcreate.offset = 0;
                 mcreate.prot = PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE;
                 mcreate.flags = MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_SHARED | MAP_FIXED;
                 mcreate.fd = -1;

                 ioctl(fd, MSHAREFS_CREATE_MAPPING, &mcreate)

Would examples with multiple mappings work already in this version?

Did you experiment with other mappings (e.g., ordinary shared file mappings), and what are the blockers to make that fly?

Yes, multiple mappings works. And it's straightforward to make shared file mappings work. I have a patch where I basically just copied code from ksys_mmap_pgoff() into msharefs_create_mapping(). Needs some refactoring and finessing to make it a real patch.

         d. Map the mshare region into the process
                 mmap((void *)TB(2), BUF_SIZE, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
                         MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

         e. Write and read to mshared region normally.

4. For processes attaching an mshare region:
         a. Open the file on msharefs, for example -
                 fd = open("/sys/fs/mshare/shareme", O_RDWR);

         b. Get information about mshare'd region from the file:
                 struct mshare_info minfo;

                 ioctl(fd, MSHAREFS_GET_SIZE, &minfo);

         c. Map the mshare'd region into the process
                 mmap(minfo.start, minfo.size,
                         PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, 0);

5. To delete the mshare region -

I recall discussions around cgroup accounting, OOM handling etc. I thought the conclusion was that we need an "mshare process" where the memory is accounted to, and once that process is killed (e.g., OOM), it must tear down all mappings/pages etc.

How does your design currently look like in that regard? E.g., how can OOM handling make progress, how is cgroup accounting handled?

There was some discussion on this at last year's LSF/MM, but it seemed more like ideas rather than a conclusion on an approach. In any case, tearing down everything if an owning process is killed does not work for our internal use cases, and I think that was mentioned somewhere in discussions. Plus it seems to me that yanking the mappings away from the unsuspecting non-owner processes could be quite catastrophic. Shouldn't an mshare virtual file be treated like any other in-memory file? Or do such files get zapped somehow by OOM? Not saying we shouldn't do anything for OOM, but I'm not sure what the answer is.

Cgroups are tricky. At the mm alignment meeting last year a use case was brought up where it would be desirable to have all pagetable pages charged to one memcg rather than have them charged on a first touch basis. It was proposed that perhaps an mshare file could associated with a cgroup at the time it is created. I have figured out a way to do this but I'm not versed enough in cgroups to know if the approach is viable. The last three patches provided this functionality as well as functionality that ensures a newly faulted in page is charged to the current process. If everything, pagetable and faulted pages, should be charged to the same cgroup then more work is definitely required. Hopefully this provides enough context to move towards a complete solution.
