Re: Multigrain timestamps do not work on RISC-V
From: Andreas Schwab
Date: Wed Jan 29 2025 - 12:20:37 EST
On Jan 29 2025, Andreas Schwab wrote:
> My guess would be that something in inode_set_ctime_current is going
> wrong.
The bug is in the arch_cmpxchg macros in <asm/cmpxchg.h>, they mishandle
atomic exchange of u32 values:
# fs/inode.c:2802: if (cns == now.tv_nsec && inode->i_ctime_sec == now.tv_sec) {
ld a5,-96(s0) # _33, now.tv_nsec
# fs/inode.c:2802: if (cns == now.tv_nsec && inode->i_ctime_sec == now.tv_sec) {
slli a4,s2,32 #, _49, cns
srli a4,a4,32 #, _49, _49
# fs/inode.c:2802: if (cns == now.tv_nsec && inode->i_ctime_sec == now.tv_sec) {
beq a4,a5,.L1248 #, _49, _33,
addi a3,s1,120 #, __ai_ptr, inode
# fs/inode.c:2809: if (try_cmpxchg(&inode->i_ctime_nsec, &cur, now.tv_nsec)) {
# 2809 "fs/inode.c" 1
0: lr.w a2, 0(a3) # __ret, *__ai_ptr_20
bne a2, a4, 1f # __ret, _49
Here the unsigned extended value of cur (a4) is compared with the sign
extended value of inode->i_ctime_nsec (a2). They cannot match if cur
has I_CTIME_QUERIED set (the sign bit). The lr/sc loop is exited before
the store conditional is executed.
sc.w.rl a1, a5, 0(a3) # __rc, _33, *__ai_ptr_20
bnez a1, 0b # __rc
fence rw,rw
# 0 "" 2
sext.w a5,a2 # __ret, __ret
A redundant sign extension of the current contents of inode->i_ctime_nsec.
# fs/inode.c:2809: if (try_cmpxchg(&inode->i_ctime_nsec, &cur, now.tv_nsec)) {
bne a5,s2,.L1211 #, __ret, cns,
Here the sign extended value of inode->i_ctime_nsec (a5) is compared
with the sign extended expected value (s2). They match, and try_cmpxchg
returns true, but the store never happend.
Andreas Schwab, SUSE Labs, schwab@xxxxxxx
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