Re: [PATCH 3/3] pinctrl: samsung: Add filter selection support for alive bank on gs101

From: Krzysztof Kozlowski
Date: Wed Jan 29 2025 - 12:58:19 EST

On 21/01/2025 16:39, Peter Griffin wrote:
>>> + The FLTCON register (on alive banks) has the following layout
>>> + *
>>> + * BitfieldName[PinNum][Bit:Bit]
>>> + * FLT_EN[3][31] FLT_SEL[3][30] FLT_WIDTH[3][29:24]
>>> + * FLT_EN[2][23] FLT_SEL[2][22] FLT_WIDTH[2][21:16]
>>> + * FLT_EN[1][15] FLT_SEL[1][14] FLT_WIDTH[1][13:8]
>>> + * FLT_EN[0][7] FLT_SEL[0][6] FLT_WIDTH[0][5:0]
>>> + *
>>> + * FLT_EN 0x0 = Disable, 0x1=Enable
>>> + * FLT_SEL 0x0 = Delay filter, 0x1 Digital filter
>> It's a delay filter filter either way, right? If so, I
>> think '0x0 = Delay filter' should instead be reworded to
>> '0x0 = Analog filter'.
> I see your point, and kind of agree that Analog is a better name. The
> rationale for going with "Digital filter" and "Delay filter" was that
> it matches the FLT_SEL bitfield description in the datasheet. I
> thought it might confuse people using a different name. The info about
> it being Analog filter came via a bug from Samsung. But if folks
> prefer Analog I can use that instead.
> @Krzysztof any thoughts on the above naming?

No clue / no preference, you guys have datasheet and more insight into
this. :)

Best regards,