Re: [PATCH v2 3/9] dt-bindings: memory-controllers: Add STM32 Octo Memory Manager controller

From: Patrice CHOTARD
Date: Thu Jan 30 2025 - 08:38:37 EST

On 1/30/25 13:12, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> On 30/01/2025 09:57, Patrice CHOTARD wrote:
>> On 1/29/25 08:52, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 28, 2025 at 09:17:25AM +0100, patrice.chotard@xxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>>>> From: Patrice Chotard <patrice.chotard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> Add bindings for STM32 Octo Memory Manager (OMM) controller.
>>>> OMM manages:
>>>> - the muxing between 2 OSPI busses and 2 output ports.
>>>> There are 4 possible muxing configurations:
>>>> - direct mode (no multiplexing): OSPI1 output is on port 1 and OSPI2
>>>> output is on port 2
>>>> - OSPI1 and OSPI2 are multiplexed over the same output port 1
>>>> - swapped mode (no multiplexing), OSPI1 output is on port 2,
>>>> OSPI2 output is on port 1
>>>> - OSPI1 and OSPI2 are multiplexed over the same output port 2
>>>> - the split of the memory area shared between the 2 OSPI instances.
>>>> - chip select selection override.
>>>> - the time between 2 transactions in multiplexed mode.
>>>> Signed-off-by: Patrice Chotard <patrice.chotard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> ---
>>>> .../memory-controllers/st,stm32-omm.yaml | 190 ++++++++++++++++++
>>>> 1 file changed, 190 insertions(+)
>>>> create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/st,stm32-omm.yaml
>>>> diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/st,stm32-omm.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/st,stm32-omm.yaml
>>>> new file mode 100644
>>>> index 000000000000..7e0b150e0005
>>>> --- /dev/null
>>>> +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/memory-controllers/st,stm32-omm.yaml
>>> Filename as compatible, so st,stm32mp25-omm.yaml
>>> You already received this comment.
>> Sorry, i missed this update
>>>> @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
>>>> +# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause)
>>>> +%YAML 1.2
>>>> +---
>>>> +$id:,stm32-omm.yaml#
>>>> +$schema:
>>>> +
>>>> +title: STM32 Octo Memory Manager (OMM)
>>>> +
>>>> +maintainers:
>>>> + - Patrice Chotard <patrice.chotard@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>>>> +
>>>> +description: |
>>>> + The STM32 Octo Memory Manager is a low-level interface that enables an
>>>> + efficient OCTOSPI pin assignment with a full I/O matrix (before alternate
>>>> + function map) and multiplex of single/dual/quad/octal SPI interfaces over
>>>> + the same bus. It Supports up to:
>>>> + - Two single/dual/quad/octal SPI interfaces
>>>> + - Two ports for pin assignment
>>>> +
>>>> +properties:
>>>> + compatible:
>>>> + const: st,stm32mp25-omm
>>>> +
>>>> + "#address-cells":
>>>> + const: 2
>>>> +
>>>> + "#size-cells":
>>>> + const: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + ranges:
>>>> + description: |
>>>> + Reflects the memory layout with four integer values per OSPI instance.
>>>> + Format:
>>>> + <chip-select> 0 <registers base address> <size>
>>> Do you always have two children? If so, this should have maxItems.
>> No, we can have one child.
> For the same SoC? How? You put the spi@ in the soc, so I don't
> understand how one child is possible.

Yes for the same SoC, in DTSI file, the both OCTOSPI child are declared
but are disabled by default.

In the DTS board file, 0,1 or 2 OCTOSPI instance can be enabled depending of the board design.

In our case, on stm32mp257f-ev1 board, one SPI-NOR is soldered on PCB, so only one OCTOSPI
instance is needed and enabled.

Internally we got validation boards with several memory devices connected to OCTOSPI1 and
OCTOSPI2, in this case, both OCTOSPI instance are needed and enabled.

>>>> +
>>>> + reg:
>>>> + items:
>>>> + - description: OMM registers
>>>> + - description: OMM memory map area
>>>> +
>>>> + reg-names:
>>>> + items:
>>>> + - const: regs
>>>> + - const: memory_map
>>>> +
>>>> + memory-region:
>>>> + description: Phandle to node describing memory-map region to used.
>>>> + minItems: 1
>>>> + maxItems: 2
>>> List the items with description instead with optional minItems. Why is
>>> this flexible in number of items?
>> If only one child (OCTOSPI instance), only one memory-region is needed.
> Which is not possible... look at your DTSI.

It's possible. if one OCTOSPI is used (the second one is kept disabled), only
one memory-region is needed.

>> Another update, i will reintroduce "memory-region-names:" which was
>> wrongly removed in V2, i have forgotten one particular case.
>> We need memory-region-names in case only one OCTOSPI instance is
>> used. If it's OCTOCPI2 and the whole memory-map region
>> is dedicated to OCTOSPI2 (OCTOSPI1 unmapped, OCTOSPI2 (256 Mbytes)
>> We need to know to which OCTOSPI instance the memory region is associated
>> with, in order to check "st,syscfg-amcr" 's value which must be coherent
>> with memory region declared.
>> so i will add :
>> memory-region-names:
>> description: |
>> OCTOSPI instance's name to which memory region is associated
>> items:
>> - const: ospi1
>> - const: ospi2
> I don't think this matches what you are saying to us. Let's talk about
> the hardware which is directly represented by DTS/DTSI. You always have
> two instances.

We have 2 instances, but both not always enabled.
In case only one is enabled, only one memory-region-names is needed.

We must know to which OCTCOSPI the memory-region makes reference to, in order
to configure and/or check the memory region split configuration. That' swhy
the memory-regions-names must specify if it's the OCTOSPI1 or OCTOSPI2 instance.

>>>> +
>>>> + clocks:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + resets:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + access-controllers:
>>>> + maxItems: 1
>>>> +
>>>> + st,syscfg-amcr:
>>>> + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle-array
>>>> + description: |
>>>> + The Address Mapping Control Register (AMCR) is used to split the 256MB
>>>> + memory map area shared between the 2 OSPI instance. The Octo Memory
>>>> + Manager sets the AMCR depending of the memory-region configuration.
>>>> + Format is phandle to syscfg / register offset within syscfg / memory split
>>>> + bitmask.
>>> Don't repeat constraints in free form text.
>> ok
>>>> + The memory split bitmask description is:
>>>> + - 000: OCTOSPI1 (256 Mbytes), OCTOSPI2 unmapped
>>>> + - 001: OCTOSPI1 (192 Mbytes), OCTOSPI2 (64 Mbytes)
>>>> + - 010: OCTOSPI1 (128 Mbytes), OCTOSPI2 (128 Mbytes)
>>>> + - 011: OCTOSPI1 (64 Mbytes), OCTOSPI2 (192 Mbytes)
>>>> + - 1xx: OCTOSPI1 unmapped, OCTOSPI2 (256 Mbytes)
>>>> + items:
>>>> + minItems: 3
>>>> + maxItems: 3
>>> You do not have there three phandles, but one. Look how other bindings
>>> encode this.
>> yes, i see, will update with
>> items:
>> - description: phandle to syscfg
>> - description: register offset within syscfg
>> - description: register bitmask for memory split
>>>> +
>>>> + st,omm-req2ack-ns:
>>>> + description: |
>>>> + In multiplexed mode (MUXEN = 1), this field defines the time in
>>>> + nanoseconds between two transactions.
>>>> +
>>>> + st,omm-cssel-ovr:
>>>> + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
>>>> + description: |
>>>> + Configure the chip select selector override for the 2 OCTOSPIs.
>>>> + The 2 bits mask muxing description is:
>>> bit mask of size? 1? Then just enum string, no?
>> I didn't get your point ? the size of bitmask is 2 bits as indicated.
>> -bit 0: Chip select selector override setting for OCTOSPI1
>> -bit 1: Chip select selector override setting for OCTOSPI2
>>>> + -bit 0: Chip select selector override setting for OCTOSPI1
>>>> + 0x0: the chip select signal from OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS1
>>>> + 0x1: the chip select signal from OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS2
>>>> + -bit 1: Chip select selector override setting for OCTOSPI2
>>>> + 0x0: the chip select signal from OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS1
>>>> + 0x1: the chip select signal from OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS2
>>> I don't understand why this is so complicated. First, can you even send
>>> chip select OCTOSPI1 to NCS2 and use 0x1 as mux? or 0x3 as mux?
>> By default, if st,omm-cssel-ovr property is not present:
>> _ chip select OCTOSPI1 is send to NCS1
>> _ chip select OCTOSPI2 is send to NCS2
>> It's the default configuration.
>> If st,omm-cssel-ovr property is present, you can mux the chip select
>> of both OCTOSPI instance on NCS1 or NCS2 as you want.
>> Yes you can send chip select OCTOSPI1 to NCS2 by using 0x1 as bitmask mux
>> (in this case chip select OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS1).
>> If you use 0x3 as bitmask mux, you send :
>> _ chip select OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS2
>> _ chip select OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS2
>>> Second, your bitmask value of "0x0" means OCTOSPI1 and OCTOSPI2 are sent
>> i think the 0x0/0x1 in the description brings to confusion as it's only the
>> bit value not the bitmask.
>>> to NCS1 (whateveer NCS is). This sounds wrong, but your binding says is
>>> perfectly correct. Is that true? Is that correct binding?
>> 4 bitmask possible choice :
>> 0x0 : the chip select signal from OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS1
>> the chip select signal from OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS1
>> 0x1 : the chip select signal from OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS2
>> the chip select signal from OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS1
>> 0x2 : the chip select signal from OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS1
>> the chip select signal from OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS2
>> 0x3 : the chip select signal from OCTOSPI1 is sent to NCS2
>> the chip select signal from OCTOSPI2 is sent to NCS2
>> I propose to update the st,omm-cssel-ovr description as following
>> st,omm-cssel-ovr:
>> $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/uint32
>> description: |
>> Configure the chip select selector override for the 2 OCTOSPIs.
>> - 0: OCTOSPI1 chip select send to NCS1 OCTOSPI2 chip select send to NCS1
>> - 1: OCTOSPI1 chip select send to NCS2 OCTOSPI2 chip select send to NCS1
>> - 2: OCTOSPI1 chip select send to NCS1 OCTOSPI2 chip select send to NCS2
>> - 3: OCTOSPI1 chip select send to NCS2 OCTOSPI2 chip select send to NCS2
>> minimum: 0
>> maximum: 3
> My concerns were because I understood that this is not a real bitmask,
> IOW you cannot set two of them to NCS2. But you said that setting of
> 0x3, so both going to NCS2, is perfectly correct setting, so it's fine.
> Best regards,
> Krzysztof