Re: [PATCH v4] Weighted Interleave Auto-tuning

From: Honggyu Kim
Date: Sun Feb 02 2025 - 08:51:48 EST

On 2/2/25 01:53, Gregory Price wrote:
On Sat, Feb 01, 2025 at 11:49:31AM -0500, Gregory Price wrote:
1. the auto mode set the weights as 10:5:1 for node{0-2}.
2. node2 is offlined, then recalculation makes it as 2:1 for node{0,1}.

Point of clarification here: a hot-unplug event won't cause

What actually causes re-weight is hot-plug reporting new capacity.

So do you mean re-weight is done only when a new node is onlined while
offline doesn't trigger re-weight?

I see node_set_perf_attrs() does recalculation by calling
mempolicy_set_node_perf(), then reduce_interleave_weights().

But I'm not sure if the re-weight is done via node_set_perf_attrs() only
when a new node is onlined.

Could you please explain where I can find it?

So in this scenario, the weight will remain the same for node2.

If it's true, my scenario is wrong.


3. the auto sysfs interface is set to 0 to make it manual mode.