[PATCH 0/1] regulator: ad5398: Correct SW_POWER_DOWN bit number

From: Isaac Scott
Date: Thu Feb 06 2025 - 07:25:14 EST

This patch corrects the bit number that represents the soft power down
bit of the AD5398. This was overlooked during testing as in my use case,
the regulator was enabled and disabled via multiple methods, such as
using the power down pin on the chip itself through a different driver.

I have tested this on v6.13, and the bit number selected here accurately
reflects what is listed in the datasheet for the AD5398.

Isaac Scott (1):
regulator: ad5398: Correct the SW_POWER_DOWN bit number

drivers/regulator/ad5398.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
