On 09/02/2025 11:11, Viken Dadhaniya wrote:To exactly summarize:
Just one blank line, but anyway, this property should not be in three
places. Do you really expect that each of serial engines within one
GeniQUP will be configured differently by TZ?
Yes, each SE is configured separately and it's quite frequent when
different SEs have different DMA configuration.
Well, I checked at sm8550 and sm8650 and each pair of SE - which shares
resources - has the same DMAs, so I would not call it frequent. Care to
bring an example where same serial engines have different DMAs and
different TZ? We do not talk about single QUP.
Well, I don't have access to the latest sm8550 / sm8650 devcfg sources.
I checked the RB5 ones. As far as I understand out of 14 enabled SEs
only two are configured for the GSI DMA, others should use FIFO / SE
DMA. Same applies to the SM8250 MTP devices. Checking the RB1 / RB2
setup also shows 3 out of 6 SEs being set for GSI.
I think selecting GSI DMA is only for devices needs high speed streaming
to the
device, like the touch screen, using GSI DMA for random small access is
a non-sense.
But the thing is, in the TZ world the configuration was static so we had
no choice
of using GSI DMA when configured, but now we have the choice so we could
reconfigure the SE with the transfer type (FIFO, SE DMA or GSI DMA) as
runtime and
drop this attribute.
So instead of hardcoding this, add a way to dynamically select either of
the 3
transfer types when firmware can be loaded from HLOS.
Yes, GSI DMA mode is required for specific use cases only.
Dynamically switching from GSI mode to non-GSI mode is neither possible
nor useful. For each SE, the use case is fixed, and based on the use
case, the developer can choose the mode via the device tree property.
No, it cannot. Do not describe downstream as something set in stone.
Best regards,