[PATCH for-6.14 v4 0/2] Add more devm_ functions to fix PM imbalance in spi/atmel-quadspi.c

From: Bence Csókás
Date: Mon Feb 10 2025 - 06:10:37 EST

The probe() function of the atmel-quadspi driver got quite convoluted,
especially since the addition of SAMA7G5 support, that was forward-ported
from an older vendor kernel. During the port, a bug was introduced, where
the PM get() and put() calls were imbalanced. To alleivate this - and
similar problems in the future - an effort was made to migrate as many
functions as possible, to their devm_ managed counterparts. The few
functions, which did not yet have a devm_ variant, are added in patch 1 of
this series. Patch 2 then uses these APIs to fix the probe() function.

Change in v4:
* the DMA cleanup was split out and will be submitted separately for 6.15

Links to previous versions:

Bence Csókás (2):
pm: runtime: Add new devm functions
spi: atmel-quadspi: Fix unbalanced pm_runtime by using devm_ API

drivers/base/power/runtime.c | 36 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
drivers/spi/atmel-quadspi.c | 18 +++++-------------
include/linux/pm_runtime.h | 4 ++++
3 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

base-commit: a64dcfb451e254085a7daee5fe51bf22959d52d3