Re: [PATCH v11 16/23] x86/resctrl: Add the functionality to unassigm MBM events

From: Reinette Chatre
Date: Mon Feb 10 2025 - 13:31:20 EST

Hi Babu,

On 2/10/25 8:23 AM, Moger, Babu wrote:
> Hi Reinette,
> On 2/5/25 21:54, Reinette Chatre wrote:
>> Hi Babu,
>> subject: unassigm -> unassign
> Sure.
>> On 1/22/25 12:20 PM, Babu Moger wrote:
>>> The mbm_cntr_assign mode provides a limited number of hardware counters
>> (now back to "limited number of hardware counters")
> How about?
> The mbm_cntr_assign mode provides "num_mbm_cntrs" number of hardware counters


>>> that can be assigned to an RMID, event pair to monitor bandwidth while
>>> assigned. If all counters are in use, the kernel will show an error
>>> message: "Out of MBM assignable counters" when a new assignment is
>>> requested. To make space for a new assignment, users must unassign an
>> To me "kernel will show an error" implies the kernel ring buffer. Please make
>> the message accurate and mention that it will be in
>> last_cmd_status while also considering to use -ENOSPC to help user space.
> If all the counters are in use, the kernel will log the error message
> "Unable to allocate counter in domain" in /sys/fs/resctrl/info/
> last_cmd_status when a new assignment is requested. To make space for a
> new assignment, users must unassign an already assigned counter and retry
> the assignment again.

This is better, but can user space receive -ENOSPC to avoid needing to check
and parse last_cmd_status on every error?
