Re: [RFC PATCH 1/5] dt-bindings: dma: Add CMA Heap bindings

From: Florent Tomasin
Date: Wed Feb 12 2025 - 06:02:56 EST

On 12/02/2025 10:49, Maxime Ripard wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 10:29:32AM +0000, Florent Tomasin wrote:
>> On 12/02/2025 10:01, Maxime Ripard wrote:
>>> On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 09:49:56AM +0000, Florent Tomasin wrote:
>>>> Note that the CMA patches were initially shared to help reproduce my
>>>> environment of development, I can isolate them in a separate patch
>>>> series and include a reference or "base-commit:" tag to it in the
>>>> Panthor protected mode RFC, to help progress this review in another
>>>> thread. It will avoid overlapping these two topics:
>>>> - Multiple standalone CMA heaps support
>>>> - Panthor protected mode handling
>>> You keep insisting on using CMA here, but it's really not clear to me
>>> why you would need CMA in the first place.
>>> By CMA, do you mean the CMA allocator, and thus would provide buffers
>>> through the usual dma_alloc_* API, or would any allocator providing
>>> physically contiguous memory work?
>> You are correct only the CMA allocator is relevant. I needed a way to
>> sub-allocate from a carved-out memory.
> I'm still confused, sorry. You're saying that you require CMA but...

Adding to Boris's comment, the objective here was to enable
sub-allocation from a carved-out memory region. The CMA heap
was used for convinience. It can be any other heap driver that
allows allocating a protected buffer.

>>> In the latter case, would something like this work:
>> Thanks for sharing this link, I was not aware previous work was done
>> on this aspect. The new carveout heap introduced in the series could
>> probably be a good alternative. I will play-around with it and share
>> some updates.
> ... you seem to be ok with a driver that doesn't use it?

I will confirm it once I have done some validation.

>From Panthor driver point of view, it does not matter if the we use CMA,
or alternative heaps. We just need to be able to allocate from a
protected heap. I used the CMA heap to simplify the developpment of the
feature, it can be anything.

I will extract the CMA changes from the V2 of the RFC to prevent
