Re: [PATCH 0/4] tsm: Unified Measurement Register ABI for TVMs

From: Dave Hansen
Date: Fri Feb 14 2025 - 11:27:16 EST

On 2/14/25 08:19, Xing, Cedric wrote:
>> But if this is for debug, wouldn't these belong better in debugfs? Do we
>> really want to maintain this interface forever? There's no shame in
>> debugfs.
> There are many other (more important/significant) uses besides debugging.
> For example, any applications that make use of runtime measurements must
> extend RTMRs, and this interface provides that exact functionality.
> Another example, a policy may be associated with a TD (e.g., CoCo) by
> storing its digest in MRCONFIGID, so that the policy could be verified
> against its digest at runtime. This interface allows applications to

The attestation world is horrifically complicated, and I don't
understand the details at _all_. You're going to have to explain this
one to me like I'm five.

Could you also explain how this is different from the hardware and
virtual TPMs and why this doesn't fit into that existing framework? How
are TVMs novel? What justifies all this new stuff?