Re: [PATCH V2 1/2] rust: module: change author to be a array

From: Guilherme Giacomo Simoes
Date: Sat Feb 15 2025 - 08:52:55 EST

Benno Lossin <benno.lossin@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> This commit message looks a bit clunky to me, though I am not a native
> speaker. My suggestion would be:
> Change the type of the `author` field in the `module!` macro from string
> to string array. This allows multiple authors for a single module as is
> already possible in C.
> Additionally, rename the field to `authors` to better reflect this
> change.
> Feel free to change/adapt anything.
Thanks for your suggestions, in the truth my english is not so good.

> As already mentioned above, I think it makes sense to also rename the
> field to `authors`.
When I maked this change, I thinked in change the field name from author to
authors, but I don't doing this because anothers fields that is a array in
module! macro (firmware and alias) are in singular too.

> You should also change the documentation in this file, there the field
> `author` is listed as "string literal of the author of the kernel
> module.", so it also needs to be updated.
Yes, you is right... I haven't seen this chunk of text
