Re: [PATCH v2 0/2] drm: bridge: add ssd2825 RGB/DSI bridge support

From: Javier Martinez Canillas
Date: Tue Feb 18 2025 - 08:21:28 EST

Svyatoslav Ryhel <clamor95@xxxxxxxxx> writes:


>> Exactly. Both chips are from the same vendor (Solomon Systech [0]) and my
>> guess is that the SSD prefix means "Solomon Systech Device" or something
>> like that.
>> [0]:
> You are correct, vendor is the same, I have not denied that, but the
> this device is not related to product drivers which already exist in
> the Linux Kernel.

Oh yes, I didn't mean that are related.

I was just explaining to Thomas why both devices were named "Solomon SSD*"
even when they are quite different and can't be supported by same driver.

Best regards,

Javier Martinez Canillas
Core Platforms
Red Hat