Re: [PATCH v12 00/19] x86: Trenchboot secure dynamic launch Linux kernel support

From: ross . philipson
Date: Tue Feb 18 2025 - 14:40:58 EST

On 2/18/25 10:31 AM, Jarkko Sakkinen wrote:
On Tue, 2025-02-18 at 10:21 -0800, ross.philipson@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Hello folks,

We posted the v12 version of our patch set in December of 2024 and we
have not heard anything on it from the community. We believe we have
reasonably addressed the issues as has been discussed on list. I
there has been a lot going on with releases etc but I just wanted to
send a bump that these patches are out there if anyone has time.

I don't know what happened but to be totally honest with you I missed
that version. Maybe it was holiday rush but yeah still I did not skip
it for that reason per se, just that it could very well explain the
silence (people tend to fast-forward more at the time, and then
mistakes easily happen).

I'm right now on holiday up until end of this month, and this will
require enough time that I unfortunately have to postpone the review
up until the first full week of the next Month, in order to do this

Still, apologies for ignoring this!

No worries at all! I sent it right before the holidays and people were busy with that and on other things. I appreciate your response and plan to have a look when you can.


Thank you,
Ross Philipson

BR, Jarkko