Re: [PATCH v11 16/23] x86/resctrl: Add the functionality to unassigm MBM events

From: Moger, Babu
Date: Fri Feb 21 2025 - 19:36:59 EST

Hi Reinette,

On 2/10/2025 12:30 PM, Reinette Chatre wrote:
Hi Babu,

On 2/10/25 8:23 AM, Moger, Babu wrote:
Hi Reinette,

On 2/5/25 21:54, Reinette Chatre wrote:
Hi Babu,

subject: unassigm -> unassign


On 1/22/25 12:20 PM, Babu Moger wrote:
The mbm_cntr_assign mode provides a limited number of hardware counters

(now back to "limited number of hardware counters")

How about?

The mbm_cntr_assign mode provides "num_mbm_cntrs" number of hardware counters


that can be assigned to an RMID, event pair to monitor bandwidth while
assigned. If all counters are in use, the kernel will show an error
message: "Out of MBM assignable counters" when a new assignment is
requested. To make space for a new assignment, users must unassign an

To me "kernel will show an error" implies the kernel ring buffer. Please make
the message accurate and mention that it will be in
last_cmd_status while also considering to use -ENOSPC to help user space.

If all the counters are in use, the kernel will log the error message
"Unable to allocate counter in domain" in /sys/fs/resctrl/info/
last_cmd_status when a new assignment is requested. To make space for a
new assignment, users must unassign an already assigned counter and retry
the assignment again.

This is better, but can user space receive -ENOSPC to avoid needing to check
and parse last_cmd_status on every error?

Yes. There was a problem in passing the error in resctrl_process_flags(). Took care of it now.
