Re: [PATCH v2 2/6] dt-bindings: arm: add CIX P1 (SKY1) SoC

From: Peter Chen
Date: Wed Feb 26 2025 - 07:59:58 EST

On 25-02-26 11:30:38, Krzysztof Kozlowski wrote:
> >>>
> >>> I have checked the review-process again at:
> >>>
> >>
> >> This does not matter - that's not a patchwork anyone uses...
> >>
> >>> It seems no one gives any Reviewed-by or Acked-by Tag.
> >>
> >> You were directly addressed! So you got email and what did you do with it?
> >>
> >> And lists received it:
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I am sorry about that. I checked this email with our IT engineers at
> > office365 administration page, it was not received by Microsoft office365
> > server, we don't know what's the reason.
> That's the only email which did not reach you, I think. 4 or 5 others
> did, so this could mean your system will spam/reject silently anything
> with review tag (or email address).
> If so, your corporate mail system is not suitable for upstream work
> (Microsoft outlook is known of poor quality in that matter and that's
> not the first case people have trouble with Outlook servers) and maybe
> you should switch to b4-relay and other mail boxes.
> >
> > I will put your Reviewed-by tag when sending v3 patch, may I get your
> > Ack for the 1st patch:
> >
> I'll send it, but I still have doubts Microsoft won't put me in spam :/

Hi Krzysztof,

Do you use as your smtp server? It may's smtp
server issue, both[1] and[2]
have received your ack for my v2 patch.

But only [3] received your reviewed-by Tag for my v1
patch, the[4] did not receive it, office365 server
for my company also did not receive it.

Another strange is I did not received [5], but my colleagues in our
upstream mail list (cix-kernel-upstream@xxxxxxxxxxx) received it, I have
not in that list at that time (now I am at it), but my name is at your
reply to, it seems did not send to me.

That's just my suspect, if someone meets the similar issues in future,
it may prove my suspect.



Best regards,