Re: [PATCH v3 2/2] ARM: dts: qcom: msm8960: Add tsens
From: Konrad Dybcio
Date: Thu Feb 27 2025 - 04:04:35 EST
On 27.02.2025 4:50 AM, Rudraksha Gupta wrote:
> Copy tsens node from apq8064 and adjust these values:
> - thermal-zones
> - adjust thermal-sensors
> - delete coefficients
> - trips
> - copy temperature and hystersis from downstream
> - delete cpu_crit
Oh you most certainly want a critical trip point so that your device
doesn't become an oven.. I can't unfortunately find anything that would
definitely state what the max temperature is, but I guess that you
wouldn't want this thing heating up above 95C anyways, so we can take
a conservative (likely undervalued) guess like that.
> - qfprom
> - adjust compatible
> - gcc
> - add syscon to compatible
> - tsens
> - change qcom,sensors to 5
> Signed-off-by: Rudraksha Gupta <guptarud@xxxxxxxxx>
> ---
In your commit message, focus on what you're adding. The fact that you
copy it from somewhere else is secondary. Describe what (and why) you're
doing in this patch, and only briefly mention that it's based on another