Re: [PATCH v4 2/2] i2c: spacemit: add support for SpacemiT K1 SoC

From: Alex Elder
Date: Mon Mar 03 2025 - 16:18:29 EST

On 2/13/25 5:38 AM, Troy Mitchell wrote:
Hi! Alex.
Thanks for ur detailed review.

Troy, I see you've sent a new version, and I'm going to
provide a review for it today. But I somehow missed
this message, and it looks like I should have responded.

I know it's late, but I'm doing that now anyway.

On 2025/2/12 05:39, Alex Elder wrote:
On 11/25/24 12:49 AM, Troy Mitchell wrote:
From: Troy Mitchell <troymitchell988@xxxxxxxxx>

This patch introduces basic I2C support for the SpacemiT K1 SoC,
utilizing interrupts for transfers.

The driver has been tested using i2c-tools on a Bananapi-F3 board,
and basic I2C read/write operations have been confirmed to work.

Signed-off-by: Troy Mitchell <TroyMitchell988@xxxxxxxxx>

. . .

The descriptions below are also good.  Maybe be consistent
with your capitalization in comments?  (Though I suppose
the capitalization above is to explain the name of the

Yes. The above is to explain the full name.
So I still need to keep them consistent?

You'll never get everything consistent, and even getting
two people to agree on what things should be consistent
might be difficult.

I think what you have is OK, but I might (for example)
capitalize every comment (or *not* capitalize).

Not a big deal.

+#define CR_START        BIT(0)        /* start bit */
+#define CR_STOP         BIT(1)        /* stop bit */

. . .

For the *IE symbols that follow, why not use *_IE as the spec
The symbols follow the datasheet of SpacemiT.
Even if the data sheet doesn't have IE, should I add it myself?

I think it's good to use naming that matches what the hardware
specifications say. That said, it doesn't always work well.
I worked on a driver where most of the hardware names were
30 or more characters wide. That leads to unreadable code.

I would *much* rather have code readability than have the
symbol names match the hardware spec. So I personally
focus on that, and just try to ensure it's easy to map
the name in the code back to what it represents in the

+#define CR_ALDIE        BIT(18)        /* enable arbitration interrupt */
+#define CR_DTEIE        BIT(19)        /* enable tx interrupts */
+#define CR_DRFIE        BIT(20)        /* enable rx interrupts */

. . .

Is it simply assumed to be already configured that way?  (This
driver doesn't set it at initialization time.)  Someday
we should set things up explicitly.
yes. by dts.
I will handle frequency that is from dts in next version.

In general it is a bad idea to add new features between
versions of a patch series--unless specifically requested
by a reviewer. Once the series is accepted it should be easy
to add features later.

The only place the next symbol is used is in computing a
custom timeout period before initiating a transfer.
Yes, but I wanna explain the freq number is fast mode.
So I define it here.
But don't worry, I will drop it in next version and accept freq from dts.

. . .

The next function only resets the bus if it's not idle (where
"idle" means both SCL and SDA are high).  Based on the name
of the function, I'd expect it to always reset.  In other
words, I'd rather this be named something slightly different,
or have the check of SDA and SCL be done in the caller(s).
How about `spacemit_i2c_conditional_reset`?

That name is fine, though I think I'll be commenting on it
in my review shortly.

Because I am worried that in the future, when the fifo or other reset is called,
SDA and SCL will always be checked.

If you add a feature in the future that makes the current code not
make sense, you can change the code *then* to be more suitable.
Don't get too far ahead of yourself.

Write code that does the job, and is readable and simple.

+static void spacemit_i2c_bus_reset(struct spacemit_i2c_dev *i2c)
+    u32 status;
+    /* if bus is locked, reset unit. 0: locked */
+    status = readl(i2c->base + IBMR);
+    if ((status & BMR_SDA) && (status & BMR_SCL))
+        return;
+    spacemit_i2c_reset(i2c);
+    usleep_range(10, 20);
+    /* check scl status again */
+    status = readl(i2c->base + IBMR);
+    if (!(status & BMR_SCL))
+        dev_warn_ratelimited(i2c->dev, "unit reset failed\n");
+static int spacemit_i2c_recover_bus_busy(struct spacemit_i2c_dev *i2c)
+    int ret = 0;
+    u32 val;

I think the next 4 lines can be deleted.  The readl_poll_timeout()
immediately does what they do, without delay.
The register value is always returned directly。
but it needs to be judged if the bus is busy by !(val & (SR_UB | SR_IBB).

I might be wrong, but my point was that the readl_poll_timeout()
call does exactly what you're doing here. So you could simply
do the readl_poll_timeout() without doing this readl() call first.

+    val = readl(i2c->base + ISR);
+    if (likely(!(val & (SR_UB | SR_IBB))))
+        return 0;
+    ret = readl_poll_timeout(i2c->base + ISR, val, !(val & (SR_UB | SR_IBB)),
+                 1500, I2C_BUS_RECOVER_TIMEOUT);
+    if (unlikely(ret)) {
+        spacemit_i2c_reset(i2c);

If readl_poll_timeout() returns non-zero, it is -ETIMEDOUT.
Why change it to -EAGAIN?  (It ultimately gets consumed by
spacemit_i2c_xfer(), which handles -ETIMEDOUT and -EAGAIN
I will drop it.

. . .

The following function is used in two places, but I don't think
it really adds any value.  Just open-code the writel() call in
those two spots.
I want to explain more clearly what is done in the init phase, so I put them
into a function and assign values step by step.
Is it not necessary?
or maybe I can add `inline`.

No. People accustomed to reading kernel code know exactly
what a call to writel() does. When you wrap that in a
function like this, it seems like you might be doing
something more complicated than that--and it's distracting.

It is best to simply use writel() (in this case) and get
rid of this trivial wrapper function. Rely on well-named
variables to make things clearer, and if you think there's
something more, say so in a comment.

Also, much like the likely() and unlikely() calls, it is
almost never warranted to use an inline function in a C
file. There are some cases where it serves a purpose,
but in general you can depend on the compiler to do the
inlining if it improves the way the code executes.

+static inline void
+spacemit_i2c_clear_int_status(struct spacemit_i2c_dev *i2c, u32 mask)
+    writel(mask & I2C_INT_STATUS_MASK, i2c->base + ISR);

. . .

That's enough. I'm going to review your new version now.
