Re: [PATCH v6 1/3] include: uapi: counter: Add microchip-tcb-capture.h

From: Csókás Bence
Date: Tue Mar 04 2025 - 06:20:34 EST


On 2025. 03. 04. 10:51, William Breathitt Gray wrote:
On Thu, Feb 27, 2025 at 03:40:18PM +0100, Bence Csókás wrote:
Add UAPI header for the microchip-tcb-capture.c driver.
This header will hold the various event channels, component numbers etc.
used by this driver.

Signed-off-by: Bence Csókás <csokas.bence@xxxxxxxxx>

Oops, I almost missed this one! Make sure I'm included in the To field
for the next revision. ;-)

By the way, b4 is a nifty tool that can save you some work and help you
prep patch series for submission.[^1]

Yes, I have considered it, but unfortunately it still has quite a few bugs, for example [1], which has mangled my tags before, when a maintainer using it tried to apply one of my patches with it.


+ * The driver defines the following components:
+ *
+ * Count 0
+ * \__ Synapse 0 -- Signal 0 (Channel A, i.e. TIOA)
+ * \__ Synapse 1 -- Signal 1 (Channel B, i.e. TIOB)
+ */
+enum counter_mchp_signals {

Are these meant to be used to identify the Signals in the
microchip-tcb-capture.c file. You should set the the counter_signal id
members to these enum constants then. However, this enum doesn't need to
be exposed to userspace in that case.

The thought was to let userspace figure out which `signal%d_action_component_id` to read, but now I see that this is not the way to go.

If that is the only purpose of enum counter_mchp_signals, then we can
omit this patch from the series and you won't need to send it in the
next revision.

Alright, I'll drop this enum. Then this header will be empty at the start, save for the block comment. I hope that will be alright.

William Breathitt Gray

