Re: [PATCH V6 2/2] checkpatch: check format of Vec<String> in modules

From: Andreas Hindborg
Date: Wed Mar 05 2025 - 06:08:58 EST

"Miguel Ojeda" <miguel.ojeda.sandonis@xxxxxxxxx> writes:

> On Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 8:53 AM Andreas Hindborg <a.hindborg@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> Right, it needs a bit more tool support than running
>> needs. Perhaps we could move it from to the rustfmt make
>> target?
> That could perhaps be an option for this case, though not sure if it
> applies to all cases, i.e. `` also checks things that
> only make sense to check in a patch and also things that are not
> related to formatting.
> Perhaps we want an entirely separate thing in `tools/` eventually, or
> even out of the kernel tree, so that it can be easily run as a bot
> etc. like in the past.
> In any case, landing checks here is fine (as long as Joe et al.
> agree), they can be moved or removed later if needed.

Absolutely. Just brainstorming at this point.

Best regards,
Andreas Hindborg