Re: [PATCH v4 00/39] dyndbg: add support for writing debug logs to trace

From: Louis Chauvet
Date: Wed Mar 05 2025 - 11:50:11 EST

Hi everyone,

I am looking for an update on the status of this series. Initially, I intended to implement DRM logging in the trace system as suggested by Sean in [1].

However, I came across this series which seems to offer a more comprehensive solution by enabling DRM logging system-wide. I have tested it, and it appears to work as expected after rebasing on top of drm-misc-next.

Would it be appropriate for me to send a new version of this series with a minor fix for the rebase?

Additionally, I haven't seen any reviews for this series yet. Have I missed something?

Louis Chauvet


Louis Chauvet, Bootlin
Embedded Linux and Kernel engineering