Re: Allow data races on some read/write operations

From: Andreas Hindborg
Date: Wed Mar 05 2025 - 16:28:12 EST

"Ralf Jung" <post@xxxxxxxx> writes:

> Hi all,
>>>> For some kinds of hardware, we might not want to trust the hardware.
>>>> I.e., there is no race under normal operation, but the hardware could
>>>> have a bug or be malicious and we might not want that to result in UB.
>>>> This is pretty similar to syscalls that take a pointer into userspace
>>>> memory and read it - userspace shouldn't modify that memory during the
>>>> syscall, but it can and if it does, that should be well-defined.
>>>> (Though in the case of userspace, the copy happens in asm since it
>>>> also needs to deal with virtual memory and so on.)
>>> Wow you are really doing your best to combine all the hard problems at the same
>>> time. ;)
>>> Sharing memory with untrusted parties is another tricky issue, and even leaving
>>> aside all the theoretical trouble, practically speaking you'll want to
>>> exclusively use atomic accesses to interact with such memory. So doing this
>>> properly requires atomic memcpy. I don't know what that is blocked on, but it is
>>> good to know that it would help the kernel.
>> I am sort of baffled by this, since the C kernel has no such thing and
>> has worked fine for a few years. Is it a property of Rust that causes us
>> to need atomic memcpy, or is what the C kernel is doing potentially dangerous?
> It's the same in C: a memcpy is a non-atomic access. If something else
> concurrently mutates the memory you are copying from, or something else
> concurrently reads/writes the memory you are copying two, that is UB.
> This is not specific to memcpy; it's the same for regular pointer loads/stores.
> That's why you need READ_ONCE and WRITE_ONCE to specifically indicate to the
> compiler that these are special accesses that need to be treated differently.
> Something similar is needed for memcpy.

I'm not a compiler engineer, so I might be wrong about this, but. If I
do a C `memcpy` from place A to place B where A is experiencing racy
writes, if I don't interpret the data at place B after the copy
operation, the rest of my C program is fine and will work as expected. I
may even later copy the data at place B to place C where C might have
concurrent reads and/or writes, and the kernel will not experience UB
because of this. The data may be garbage, but that is fine. I am not
interpreting the data, or making control flow decisions based on it. I
am just moving the data.

My understand is: In Rust, this program would be illegal and might
experience UB in unpredictable ways, not limited to just the data that
is being moved.

One option I have explored is just calling C memcpy directly, but
because of LTO, that is no different than doing the operation in Rust.

I don't think I need atomic memcpy, I just need my program not to
explode if I move some data to or from a place that is experiencing
concurrent writes without synchronization. Not in general, but for some
special cases where I promise not to look at the data outside of moving

Best regards,
Andreas Hindborg