[PATCH v1 08/12] tools/x86/kcpuid: Restrict CPUID scanning to valid vendor ranges
From: Ahmed S. Darwish
Date: Thu Mar 06 2025 - 15:52:35 EST
kcpuid works in two runs: one run for invoking the CPUID instructions and
saving all their output in memory, and another for parsing that raw
in-memory output using the CSV file specification. In both runs, kcpuid
should only process CPUID ranges that are valid for the current CPU
Restrict for_each_cpuid_range() to only iterate over CPUID ranges that
are known to be valid for this CPU vendor. Doing it at the iterator
level avoids sprinkling ugly CPU-vendor CPUID range validity conditionals
throughout the code. Overall, this allows adding vendor-specific CPUID
rages to the CSV file at later commits.
Signed-off-by: Ahmed S. Darwish <darwi@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
tools/arch/x86/kcpuid/kcpuid.c | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/tools/arch/x86/kcpuid/kcpuid.c b/tools/arch/x86/kcpuid/kcpuid.c
index 36efcb753b77..3153c8eba0c4 100644
--- a/tools/arch/x86/kcpuid/kcpuid.c
+++ b/tools/arch/x86/kcpuid/kcpuid.c
@@ -118,7 +118,9 @@ static char *range_to_str(struct cpuid_range *range)
#define for_each_cpuid_range(range) \
for (unsigned int i = 0; \
- i < ARRAY_SIZE(ranges) && ((range) = &ranges[i]); \
+ i < ARRAY_SIZE(ranges) && \
+ ((range) = &ranges[i]) && \
+ (range->vendors & this_cpu_vendor); \
struct cpuid_range *index_to_cpuid_range(u32 index)