Re: [PATCH v2 0/5] imx8mp: add support for the IMX AIPSTZ bridge

From: Marco Felsch
Date: Tue Mar 11 2025 - 07:38:21 EST

On 25-03-10, Laurentiu Mihalcea wrote:
> On 3/7/2025 4:39 PM, Marco Felsch wrote:
> > On 25-03-05, Laurentiu Mihalcea wrote:
> >> On 2/27/2025 1:28 PM, Marco Felsch wrote:
> >>> Hi Laurentiu,
> >>>
> >>> On 25-02-26, Marco Felsch wrote:
> >>>> Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> On 25-02-26, Laurentiu Mihalcea wrote:
> >>>>> From: Laurentiu Mihalcea <laurentiu.mihalcea@xxxxxxx>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> The AIPSTZ bridge offers some security-related configurations which can
> >>>>> be used to restrict master access to certain peripherals on the bridge.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Normally, this could be done from a secure environment such as ATF before
> >>>>> Linux boots but the configuration of AIPSTZ5 is lost each time the power
> >>>>> domain is powered off and then powered on. Because of this, it has to be
> >>>>> configured each time the power domain is turned on and before any master
> >>>>> tries to access the peripherals (e.g: AP, CM7, DSP, on i.MX8MP).
> >>>> My question still stands:
> >>>>
> >>>> Setting these bits requires very often that the core is running at EL3
> >>>> (e.g. secure-monitor) which is not the case for Linux. Can you please
> >>>> provide more information how Linux can set these bits?
> >>> Sorry I didn't noticed your response:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> If EL1 is allowed to set the security access configuration of the IP
> >>> cores doesn't this mean that a backdoor can be opened? E.g. your
> >>> secure-boot system configures one I2C IP core to be accessible only from
> >>> secure-world S-EL1 (OP-TEE) and after the power-domain was power-cycled
> >>> it's accessible from EL1 again. This doesn't seem right. Why should a
> >>> user be able to limit the access permissions to an IP core to only be
> >>> accessible from secure-world if the IP core is accessible from
> >>> normal-world after the power-domain was power-cycled.
> >>>
> >>> Regards,
> >>> Marco
> >> I'm no security expert so please feel free to correct me if I get
> >> something wrong.
> >>
> >> This isn't about S/NS world. The bridge AC doesn't offer any
> >> configurations for denying access to peripherals based on S/NS world.
> > It does, please see the AIPSTZ_OPACR register definition. The imx-atf of
> > sets OPACR registers to 0 (of course), which means that the S/NS is not
> > checked _but_ it can be configured.
> which bits are you referring to more precisely? because, from the OPACR
> register definition we have:
> 1) TP (Trusted protect) - bit 0 => controls whether the peripheral allows
> transactions from an untrusted master. A master is considered trusted if
> MTR/MTW (from MPR registers) is set to 1 (MTR means trusted for read,
> MTW means trusted for write)
> 2) WP (Write protect) - bit 1 => controls whether the peripherals allows
> write transactions (i.e: is write protected or not)
> 3) SP (Supervisor protect) - bit 2 => controls whether the master needs
> supervisor privilege or not to issue transactions to the peripheral. For
> Cortex-A53 this refers to the execution level (EL0 - EL3). There's no S/NS
> checks here. EL1-EL3 are supervisor accesses, EL0 is not.

Argh.. my head mixed the supervisor phrase :/

> 4) BW (Buffer Writes) - bit 3 => some flow control configuration bit I'd assume
> >
> > Also please see chapter Security Block:
> >
> > The AIPSTZ contains a security block that is connected to each
> > off-platform peripheral. This block filters accesses based on
> > write/read, non-secure, and supervisor signals.
> yep, but this block is not configured by the AIPSTZ. AFAIK it's configured
> by the CSU. So, as far as I understand it, the interaction is as follows:
> basically you have the CSU which offers some security-related configurations
> (see "Table 4-16 Security Levels" from the section you've mentioned). These
> configurations are used by the AIPS bridges to filter transactions.
> For example: assume you have peripheral X on AIPS5. The user configures
> the CSU such that peripheral X should only accept R/W transactions from
> privileged S world. Now, assume Cortex-A53 issues a transaction from
> NS EL1 (Linux, for example). The bridge will receive the transaction and
> check to see if it's privileged and S world. Since it's not then the transaction
> will be aborted.
> The AIPS bridge offers no S/NS world-related configuration options. All you can
> do with it is:
> 1) Mark certain masters as "trusted" and block read/writes based on that (via MPR's
> 2) Force transactions to user privilege (via MPR's MPL)
> 3) Make certain peripherals deny unprivileged transactions (via OPACR's SP)

Okay, thanks for the explanation with your input and the the TRM

A 3-bit input, 8-bit output translation block can be used such that only
three register bits are required to set the security profile and the
translation block will drive the correct 8-bit configuration vector.
Each peripheral connected to the AIPSTZ would require this translation
block. The top level AIPSTZ has this three bit input line
`csu_sec_level[2:0]' corresponding to each peripheral X.

I think that I understood the AIPSTZ user/supervisor now. The master
user/supervisor privileges are provided by the CSU HPx settings and can
be forced to user-mode via the AIPSTZ MPRTOx MPL0 bit.

The remaining bits from the config vector between the CSU and the AIPSTZ
are not taken into account.

Thanks for the clarification!
