Re: [PATCH v2 4/4] iommu/arm: Add BBM Level 2 smmu feature

From: Ryan Roberts
Date: Tue Mar 11 2025 - 09:22:20 EST

On 11/03/2025 12:16, Suzuki K Poulose wrote:
> On 11/03/2025 10:58, Ryan Roberts wrote:
>> On 11/03/2025 10:17, Suzuki K Poulose wrote:
>>> On 03/03/2025 10:17, Ryan Roberts wrote:
>>>> On 01/03/2025 01:32, Yang Shi wrote:
>>>>> On 2/28/25 10:24 AM, Mikołaj Lenczewski wrote:
>>>>>> For supporting BBM Level 2 for userspace mappings, we want to ensure
>>>>>> that the smmu also supports its own version of BBM Level 2. Luckily, the
>>>>>> smmu spec (IHI 0070G is stricter than the aarch64 spec (DDI
>>>>>> 0487K.a D8.16.2), so already guarantees that no aborts are raised when
>>>>>> BBM level 2 is claimed.
>>>>>> Add the feature and testing for it under arm_smmu_sva_supported().
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Mikołaj Lenczewski <miko.lenczewski@xxxxxxx>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>     arch/arm64/kernel/cpufeature.c                  | 7 +++----
>>>>>>     drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3-sva.c | 3 +++
>>>>>>     drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.c     | 3 +++
>>>>>>     drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.h     | 4 ++++
>>>>>>     4 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
>>>>>> diff --git a/arch/arm64/kernel/cpufeature.c b/arch/arm64/kernel/cpufeature.c
>>>>>> index 63f6d356dc77..1022c63f81b2 100644
>>>>>> --- a/arch/arm64/kernel/cpufeature.c
>>>>>> +++ b/arch/arm64/kernel/cpufeature.c
>>>>>> @@ -2223,8 +2223,6 @@ static bool has_bbml2_noabort(const struct
>>>>>> arm64_cpu_capabilities *caps, int sco
>>>>>>                 if (!cpu_has_bbml2_noabort(__cpu_read_midr(cpu)))
>>>>>>                     return false;
>>>>>>             }
>>>>>> -
>>>>>> -        return true;
>>>>>>         } else if (scope & SCOPE_LOCAL_CPU) {
>>>>>>             /* We are a hot-plugged CPU, so only need to check our MIDR.
>>>>>>              * If we have the correct MIDR, but the kernel booted on an
>>>>>> @@ -2232,10 +2230,11 @@ static bool has_bbml2_noabort(const struct
>>>>>> arm64_cpu_capabilities *caps, int sco
>>>>>>              * we have an incorrect MIDR, but the kernel booted on a
>>>>>>              * sufficient CPU, we will not bring up this CPU.
>>>>>>              */
>>>>>> -        return cpu_has_bbml2_noabort(read_cpuid_id());
>>>>>> +        if (!cpu_has_bbml2_noabort(read_cpuid_id()))
>>>>>> +            return false;
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     -    return false;
>>>>>> +    return has_cpuid_feature(caps, scope);
>>>>> Do we really need this? IIRC, it means the MIDR has to be in the allow list
>>>>> *AND* MMFR2 register has to be set too. AmpereOne doesn't have MMFR2 register
>>>>> set.
>>>> Miko, I think this should have been squashed into patch #1? It doesn't
>>>> belong in
>>>> this patch.
>>>> Yang, we discussed this internally and decided that we thought it was best to
>>>> still require BBML2 being advertised in the feature register. That way if
>>>> trying
>>>> to use KVM to emulate a CPU that is in the allow list but doesn't really
>>>> support
>>>> BBML2, we won't try to use it.
>>>> But we still end up with the same problem if running on a physical CPU that
>>>> supports BBML2 with conflict aborts, but emulating a CPU in the allow list. So
>>> I don't understand the problem here ? In the worst case, if we want to disable
>>> the BBML2 feature on a given CPU, we could provide an id-
>>> override to reset the value of BBML2. Or provide a kernel parameter to
>>> disable this in case we want to absolutely disable the feature on a
>>> "distro" kernel.
>> Hi Suzuki,
>> Sorry perhaps I'm confusing everyone; As I recall, we had a conversation before
>> Miko posted this series where you were suggesting we should check BOTH that all
>> the CPUs' MIDRs are in the allow list AND that BBML2 is advertised in MMFR2 in
>> order to decide to enable the CPU feature. My understanding was that without the
>> MMFR2 check, you were concerned that in a virtualization scenario, a CPU's MIDR
>> could be overridden to emulate a CPU that is in the allow list, but in reality
>> the CPU does not support BBML2. We would then enable BBML2 and BadThings (TM)
>> will happen. So additionally checking the MMFR2 would solve this.
>> But Yang is saying that he plans to add the AmpereOne to the allow list because
>> it does support BBML2+NOCONFLICT semantics and we want to benefit from that. But
>> AmpereOne does not advertise BBML2 in it's MMFR2. So with the current approach,
>> adding AmpereOne to the allow list is not sufficient to enable the feature.
>> But back to your original justification for checking the MMFR2; I don't think
>> that really solves the problem in general, because we don't just require BBML2,
>> we require BBML2+NOCONFLICT. And we can only determine that from the MIDR. So
>> why bother checking MMFR2?
> My concerns are not around enabling a CPU, but having a damage control with a
> "kernel" that a user has no control over (Read, standard distribution kernel).

Ahh I misunderstood then.

> 1. If the combination of the above causes problem (in Virtualization)
> 2. If the combination of the above is detected to have problems in baremetal.
> In (1), VMM could control the ID register and disable the feature.
> For (2) we could provide an id-override on command line to disable it in
> the worst case.
> So, having the id register case is a good way to get the system running
> with a given kernel (in either world). Without that, we don't have a tunable to
> control the behavior at runtime.
> May be I am being over paranoid about this.
>> I guess we could provide an id-override on the kernel command line to *enable*
>> BBML2 for AmpereOne, but that's not going to be suitable for mass deployment, I
> Unfortunately, we can't override to provide the "feature" that is missing (at
> least today).
> One option is, run with a whitelist, but provide a kernel parameter to disable
> bbml2 feature.
> Something like, arm64.bbml2=0
> > So the decision is based on the parameter && MIDR list.

This sounds like a good solution to me. I guess we would wire this up to the SW
features "register".


> Cheers
> Suzuki
>> don't think?
>> Thanks,
>> Ryan
>>> Suzuki
>>>> given AmpereOne doesn't advertise BBML2 but does support it, I'd be happy to
>>>> remove this check.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Ryan
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Yang
>>>>>>     }
>>>>>>       #ifdef CONFIG_ARM64_PAN
>>>>>> diff --git a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3-sva.c b/drivers/iommu/
>>>>>> arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3-sva.c
>>>>>> index 9ba596430e7c..6ba182572788 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3-sva.c
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3-sva.c
>>>>>> @@ -222,6 +222,9 @@ bool arm_smmu_sva_supported(struct arm_smmu_device *smmu)
>>>>>>             feat_mask |= ARM_SMMU_FEAT_VAX;
>>>>>>         }
>>>>>>     +    if (system_supports_bbml2_noabort())
>>>>>> +        feat_mask |= ARM_SMMU_FEAT_BBML2;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>         if ((smmu->features & feat_mask) != feat_mask)
>>>>>>             return false;
>>>>>>     diff --git a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.c b/drivers/iommu/
>>>>>> arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.c
>>>>>> index 358072b4e293..dcee0bdec924 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.c
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.c
>>>>>> @@ -4406,6 +4406,9 @@ static int arm_smmu_device_hw_probe(struct
>>>>>> arm_smmu_device *smmu)
>>>>>>         if (FIELD_GET(IDR3_RIL, reg))
>>>>>>             smmu->features |= ARM_SMMU_FEAT_RANGE_INV;
>>>>>>     +    if (FIELD_GET(IDR3_BBML, reg) == IDR3_BBML2)
>>>>>> +        smmu->features |= ARM_SMMU_FEAT_BBML2;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>>         /* IDR5 */
>>>>>>         reg = readl_relaxed(smmu->base + ARM_SMMU_IDR5);
>>>>>>     diff --git a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.h b/drivers/iommu/
>>>>>> arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.h
>>>>>> index bd9d7c85576a..85eaf3ab88c2 100644
>>>>>> --- a/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.h
>>>>>> +++ b/drivers/iommu/arm/arm-smmu-v3/arm-smmu-v3.h
>>>>>> @@ -60,6 +60,9 @@ struct arm_smmu_device;
>>>>>>     #define ARM_SMMU_IDR3            0xc
>>>>>>     #define IDR3_FWB            (1 << 8)
>>>>>>     #define IDR3_RIL            (1 << 10)
>>>>>> +#define IDR3_BBML            GENMASK(12, 11)
>>>>>> +#define IDR3_BBML1            (1 << 11)
>>>>>> +#define IDR3_BBML2            (2 << 11)
>>>>>>       #define ARM_SMMU_IDR5            0x14
>>>>>>     #define IDR5_STALL_MAX            GENMASK(31, 16)
>>>>>> @@ -754,6 +757,7 @@ struct arm_smmu_device {
>>>>>>     #define ARM_SMMU_FEAT_HA        (1 << 21)
>>>>>>     #define ARM_SMMU_FEAT_HD        (1 << 22)
>>>>>>     #define ARM_SMMU_FEAT_S2FWB        (1 << 23)
>>>>>> +#define ARM_SMMU_FEAT_BBML2        (1 << 24)
>>>>>>         u32                features;
>>>>>>       #define ARM_SMMU_OPT_SKIP_PREFETCH    (1 << 0)