[RFC PATCH v2] rust: list: Add examples for linked list
From: I Hsin Cheng
Date: Tue Mar 11 2025 - 09:34:19 EST
Add basic examples for the structure "List", also serve as the unit
tests for basic list methods. Including the following manipulations:
* List creation
* List emptiness check
* List insertion through push_front(), push_back()
* List item removal through pop_front(), pop_back()
* Push one list to another through push_all_back()
The method "remove()" doesn't have an example here because insertion
with push_front() or push_back() will take the ownership of the item,
which means we can't keep any valid reference to the node we want to
remove, unless Cursor is used. The remove example through Cursor is
already demonstrate with 'commit 52ae96f5187c ("rust: list: make the
cursor point between elements")' .
Link: https://github.com/Rust-for-Linux/linux/issues/1121
Signed-off-by: I Hsin Cheng <richard120310@xxxxxxxxx>
v1 -> v2:
- Abandon new implementation of method to create a new "ListLink"
- Rephrase the examples' comment
- Increase the coverity of the examples
Tests was performed on ubuntu 24.04 with x86_64 architecture.
$ ./tools/testing/kunit/kunit.py run --make_options LLVM=1 --arch x86_64 --kconfig_add CONFIG_RUST=y
[21:13:11] Testing complete. Ran 615 tests: passed: 563, skipped: 52
[21:13:11] Elapsed time: 23.020s total, 0.001s configuring, 10.985s building, 12.020s running
Rust related unit tests are all passed.
Best regards,
I Hsin Cheng
rust/kernel/list.rs | 117 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 117 insertions(+)
diff --git a/rust/kernel/list.rs b/rust/kernel/list.rs
index c0ed227b8a4f..b88b63432e02 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/list.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/list.rs
@@ -35,6 +35,123 @@
/// * All prev/next pointers in `ListLinks` fields of items in the list are valid and form a cycle.
/// * For every item in the list, the list owns the associated [`ListArc`] reference and has
/// exclusive access to the `ListLinks` field.
+/// # Examples
+/// ```
+/// use kernel::prelude::*;
+/// use kernel::list::*;
+/// #[pin_data]
+/// struct BasicItem {
+/// value: i32,
+/// #[pin]
+/// links: ListLinks,
+/// }
+/// impl BasicItem {
+/// fn new(value: i32) -> Result<ListArc<Self>> {
+/// ListArc::pin_init(try_pin_init!(Self {
+/// value,
+/// links <- ListLinks::new(),
+/// }), GFP_KERNEL)
+/// }
+/// }
+/// impl_has_list_links! {
+/// impl HasListLinks<0> for BasicItem { self.links }
+/// }
+/// impl_list_arc_safe! {
+/// impl ListArcSafe<0> for BasicItem { untracked; }
+/// }
+/// impl_list_item! {
+/// impl ListItem<0> for BasicItem { using ListLinks; }
+/// }
+/// // Create a new empty list.
+/// let mut list = List::new();
+/// {
+/// assert!(list.is_empty());
+/// }
+/// // Insert 3 elements using push_back()
+/// list.push_back(BasicItem::new(15)?);
+/// list.push_back(BasicItem::new(10)?);
+/// list.push_back(BasicItem::new(30)?);
+/// // Iterate over the list to verify the
+/// // nodes were inserted correctly.
+/// // [15, 10, 30]
+/// {
+/// let mut iter = list.iter();
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 15);
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 10);
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 30);
+/// assert!(iter.next().is_none());
+/// // Verify the length of the list
+/// assert_eq!(list.iter().count(), 3);
+/// }
+/// // Pop the items from the list using pop_back()
+/// // and verify the content.
+/// {
+/// assert_eq!(list.pop_back().unwrap().value, 30);
+/// assert_eq!(list.pop_back().unwrap().value, 10);
+/// assert_eq!(list.pop_back().unwrap().value, 15);
+/// }
+/// // Insert 3 elements using push_front()
+/// list.push_front(BasicItem::new(15)?);
+/// list.push_front(BasicItem::new(10)?);
+/// list.push_front(BasicItem::new(30)?);
+/// // Iterate over the list to verify the
+/// // nodes were inserted correctly.
+/// // [30, 10, 15]
+/// {
+/// let mut iter = list.iter();
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 30);
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 10);
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 15);
+/// assert!(iter.next().is_none());
+/// // Verify the length of the list
+/// assert_eq!(list.iter().count(), 3);
+/// }
+/// // Pop the items from the list using pop_front()
+/// // and verify the content.
+/// {
+/// assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap().value, 30);
+/// assert_eq!(list.pop_front().unwrap().value, 10);
+/// }
+/// // Push list2 to list through push_all_back()
+/// // list: [15]
+/// // list2: [25, 35]
+/// {
+/// let mut list2 = List::new();
+/// list2.push_back(BasicItem::new(25)?);
+/// list2.push_back(BasicItem::new(35)?);
+/// list.push_all_back(&mut list2);
+/// // list: [15, 25, 35]
+/// // list2: []
+/// let mut iter = list.iter();
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 15);
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 25);
+/// assert_eq!(iter.next().unwrap().value, 35);
+/// assert!(iter.next().is_none());
+/// assert!(list2.is_empty());
+/// }
+/// # Result::<(), Error>::Ok(())
+/// ```
pub struct List<T: ?Sized + ListItem<ID>, const ID: u64 = 0> {
first: *mut ListLinksFields,
_ty: PhantomData<ListArc<T, ID>>,