Re: [PATCH v1] arm64: dts: qcom: ipq5424: add reserved memory region for bootloader

From: Konrad Dybcio
Date: Wed Mar 12 2025 - 13:58:43 EST

On 3/12/25 10:49 AM, Manikanta Mylavarapu wrote:
> In IPQ5424, the bootloader collects the system RAM contents upon a crash
> for post-morterm analysis. If we don't reserve the memory region used by
> the bootloader, linux will consume it. Upon the next boot after a crash,
> the bootloader will be loaded in the same region, which could lead to the
> loss of some data. sometimes, we may miss out critical information.
> Therefore, let's reserve the region used by the bootloader.
> Signed-off-by: Manikanta Mylavarapu <quic_mmanikan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> ---

Reviewed-by: Konrad Dybcio <konrad.dybcio@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
