Re: [PATCH 0/2] arm64: dts: rockchip: Add pwm nodes for RK3528

From: Jonas Karlman
Date: Thu Mar 13 2025 - 04:22:28 EST


On 2025-03-13 08:10, Chukun Pan wrote:
> Hi,
>> so yes of course the pinctrl needs to be default - simply because
>> that's the only pinctrl state mainline supports.
>> But judging by the fact that you're discussing working vs. non-working
>> below, can you please check if we should drop the patch for 6.15 till
>> that is solved?
> I suggest dropping this patch first, I will send v2
> when this issue is solved.

I noticed that the pwm nodes and saradc node ended up in wrong mmio
address order, so yes please drop the patch (or reorder nodes) ;-)

Chukun, please get back with more details about the issue you are having.
E.g. a stack trace, what board, DT and U-Boot you are using etc.

I have not seen any issue with PWM using the merged patch having

Please see my Linux tree [1] and U-Boot tree [2], those are little ahead
of what has been posted on ML, e.g. it has working USB2.0 host, CPU opp,
Hantro VPU, GPU + opp, arm and logic pwm regulators for E20C, ROCK 2A/2F
and Sige1.

Will try to post USB2.0 host and Hantro VPU patches later today.
CPU opp and GPU + opp depend on PWM and I was planning to post that
together with initial thermal support.



> Thanks,
> Chukun
> --
> 2.25.1