Re: [PATCH v5] x86/cpufeature: Warn about unmet feature dependencies
From: Sohil Mehta
Date: Thu Mar 13 2025 - 12:37:18 EST
On 3/13/2025 3:14 AM, Ingo Molnar wrote:
>>> I'd make this a bit less passive-aggressive, something like:
>>> x86 CPU feature dependency check failure: CPU%d has '%s' enabled but '%s' disabled. Kernel might be fine, but no guarantees.
> Yeah, so I really wanted to sneak in the 'dependency' part - because
> it's not necessarily obvious from the text, and most syslog readers
> will have no idea what it's all about.
> I don't think line length should be an issue for a message we don't
> expect to trigger normally. Clarity is more important.
Sounds good, I'll use the one you proposed as-is. Will send a new
(hopefully final) revision soon with the changes.
> Thanks,
> Ingo