Re: commit 7ffb791423c7 breaks steam game

From: Balbir Singh
Date: Fri Mar 14 2025 - 09:35:13 EST

On 3/14/25 17:14, Balbir Singh wrote:
> On 3/14/25 09:22, Bert Karwatzki wrote:
>> Am Freitag, dem 14.03.2025 um 08:54 +1100 schrieb Balbir Singh:
>>> On 3/14/25 05:12, Bert Karwatzki wrote:
>>>> Am Donnerstag, dem 13.03.2025 um 22:47 +1100 schrieb Balbir Singh:
>>>>> Anyway, I think the nokaslr result is interesting, it seems like with nokaslr
>>>>> even the older kernels have problems with the game
>>>>> Could you confirm if with nokaslr
>>>> Now I've tested kernel 6.8.12 with nokaslr
>>>>> 1. Only one single game stellaris is not working?
>>>>> 2. The entire laptop does not work?
>>>>> 3. Laptop works and other games work? Just one game is not working as
>>>> expected?
>>>> Stellaris is showing the input lag and the entire graphical user interface shows
>>>> the same input lag as long as stellaris is running.
>>>> Civilization 6 shows the same input lag as stellaris, probably even worse.
>>>> Magic the Gathering: Arena (with wine) works normally.
>>>> Valheim also works normally.
>>>> Crusader Kings 2 works normally
>>>> Rogue Heroes: Ruins of Tasos (a Zelda lookalike) works normally.
>>>> Baldur's Gate I & II and Icewind Dale work normally.
>>>> Also the input lag is only in the GUI, if I switch to a text console (ctrl + alt
>>>> + Fn), input works normally even while the affected games are running.
>>>> Games aside everything else (e.g. compiling kernels) seems to work with nokaslr.
>>> Would it be fair to assume that anything Xorg/Wayland is working fine
>>> when the game is not running, even with nokaslr?
>> Yes, Xorg (I'm normally using xfce4 as desktop) works fine. I also tested with
>> gnome using Xwayland, here the buggy behaviour also exists, with the addtion
>> that mouse position is off, i.e. to click a button in the game you have to click
>> somewhat above it.
> So the issue is narrowed down to just the games you've mentioned with nokaslr/patch?
>>> +amd-gfx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to see if there are known issues with
>>> nokaslr and the games you mentioned.
>>> Balbir Singh
>>> PS: I came across an interesting link
>>> I think SLIST_HEADER is used by wine as well for user space and I am not sure
>>> if in this situation the game is hitting this scenario, but surprisingly the other
>>> games are not. This is assuming the game uses wine. I am not sure it's related,
>>> but the 44 bits caught my attention.
>> Stellaris is a native linux game (x86_64), the one game (MTGA) I tested with
>> wine worked fine.
> Thanks for the update! I wonder if there are any game logs. If you can look for any
> warnings/errors it might be interesting to see where the difference is coming from?

In addition to the above, does radeontop give you any info about what might be
going on? I am also curious if

nokaslr and pci=nocrs works for you?
