Re: [PATCH] x86: add back the alignment of the destination to 8 bytes in copy_user_generic()

From: Herton Krzesinski
Date: Fri Mar 14 2025 - 16:33:53 EST

On Fri, Mar 14, 2025 at 4:06 PM Linus Torvalds
<torvalds@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On Fri, 14 Mar 2025 at 07:53, Herton R. Krzesinski <herton@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> >
> > --- a/arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess_64.h
> > +++ b/arch/x86/include/asm/uaccess_64.h
> > @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ copy_user_generic(void *to, const void *from, unsigned long len)
> > "2:\n"
> > _ASM_EXTABLE_UA(1b, 2b)
> > :"+c" (len), "+D" (to), "+S" (from), ASM_CALL_CONSTRAINT
> > - : : "memory", "rax");
> > + : : "memory", "rax", "rdx", "r8");
> Please don't penalize the caller with the extra clobbers.
> Maybe it doesn't matter - these functions are marked always_inline,
> but they aren't inlined in very many places and maybe those places
> have registers to spare - but let's not penalize the FSRM case anyway.
> And we do call it "rep_movs_alternative", so let's keep it close to
> "rep movs" semantics (yes, we already clobber %rax, but let's not make
> it worse).
> As to the actual change to rep_movs - that should be done differently
> too. In particular, I doubt it makes any sense to try to align the
> destination for small writes or for the ERMS case when we use 'rep
> movsb', so I think this should all go into just the ".Llarge_movsq"
> case.
> .. and then the patch can be further optimized to just do the first -
> possibly unaligned - destination word unconditionally, and then
> updating the addresses and counts to make the rest be aligned.
> Something ENTIRELY UNTESTED like this, in other words. And I wrote it
> so that it doesn't need any new temporary registers, so no need for
> clobbers or for some save/restore code.
> NOTE! The patch below is very intentionally whitespace-damaged.
> Anybody who applies this needs to look at it very carefully, because I
> just threw this together with zero testing and only very limited
> thought.
> But if it works, and if it actually improves performance, I think it
> might be a fairly minimal approach to "align destination".

It does look good in my testing here, I built same kernel I
was using for testing the original patch (based on
6.14-rc6), this is one of the results I got in one of the runs
testing on the same machine:

CPU RATE SYS TIME sender-receiver
Server bind 19: 20.8Gbits/sec 14.832313000 20.863476111 75.4%-89.2%
Server bind 21: 18.0Gbits/sec 18.705221000 23.996913032 80.8%-89.7%
Server bind 23: 20.1Gbits/sec 15.331761000 21.536657212 75.0%-89.7%
Server bind none: 24.1Gbits/sec 14.164226000 18.043132731 82.3%-87.1%

There are still some variations between runs, which is
expected as was the same when I tested my patch or in
the not aligned case, but it's consistently better/higher than
the no align case. Looks really it's sufficient to align for the
higher than or equal 64 bytes copy case.

> Linus
> ----
> arch/x86/lib/copy_user_64.S | 17 +++++++++++++++++
> 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+)
> diff --git a/arch/x86/lib/copy_user_64.S b/arch/x86/lib/copy_user_64.S
> index fc9fb5d06174..1c3090af3807 100644
> --- a/arch/x86/lib/copy_user_64.S
> +++ b/arch/x86/lib/copy_user_64.S
> @@ -74,6 +74,23 @@ SYM_FUNC_START(rep_movs_alternative)
> _ASM_EXTABLE_UA( 0b, 1b)
> .Llarge_movsq:
> + /* Do the first possibly unaligned word */
> +0: movq (%rsi),%rax
> +1: movq %rax,(%rdi)
> + _ASM_EXTABLE_UA( 0b, .Lcopy_user_tail)
> + _ASM_EXTABLE_UA( 1b, .Lcopy_user_tail)
> +
> + /* What would be the offset to the aligned destination? */
> + leaq 8(%rdi),%rax
> + andq $-8,%rax
> + subq %rdi,%rax
> +
> + /* .. and update pointers and count to match */
> + addq %rax,%rdi
> + addq %rax,%rsi
> + subq %rax,%rcx
> +
> + /* make %rcx contain the number of words, %rax the remainder */
> movq %rcx,%rax
> shrq $3,%rcx
> andl $7,%eax