--- a/kernel/irq/irqdesc.c
+++ b/kernel/irq/irqdesc.c
@@ -257,11 +257,11 @@ static ssize_t per_cpu_count_show(struct kobject *kobj,
for_each_possible_cpu(cpu) {
unsigned int c = irq_desc_kstat_cpu(desc, cpu);
-ret += scnprintf(buf + ret, PAGE_SIZE - ret, "%s%u", p, c);
+ret += sysfs_emit(buf + ret, "%s%u", p, c);
Well, so the PAGE_SIZE boundary is never checked for this stacking write now, right?
^^^ not really clear what I mean, so:
If you advance buf by ret every time, sysfs_emit() still would only check if buf is not written more than "PAGE_SIZE" bytes. But the original code performs this proper "PAGE_SIZE - ret" check.