[PATCH] usb: xhci: Fix invalid pointer dereference in Etron workaround

From: Michal Pecio
Date: Mon Mar 17 2025 - 17:29:46 EST

This check is performed before prepare_transfer() and prepare_ring(), so
enqueue can already point at the final link TRB of a segment. And indeed
it will, some 0.4% of times this code is called.

Then enqueue + 1 is an invalid pointer. It will crash the kernel right
away or load some junk which may look like a link TRB and cause the real
link TRB to be replaced with a NOOP. This wouldn't end well.

Use a functionally equivalent test which doesn't dereference the pointer
and always gives correct result.

Something has crashed my machine twice in recent days while playing with
an Etron HC, and a control transfer stress test ran for confirmation has
just crashed it again. The same test passes with this patch applied.

Fixes: 5e1c67abc930 ("xhci: Fix control transfer error on Etron xHCI host")
Cc: stable@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Signed-off-by: Michal Pecio <michal.pecio@xxxxxxxxx>
drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c b/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
index 60d89cf418da..dc674bc24a89 100644
--- a/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
+++ b/drivers/usb/host/xhci-ring.c
@@ -3786,7 +3786,7 @@ int xhci_queue_ctrl_tx(struct xhci_hcd *xhci, gfp_t mem_flags,
* enqueue a No Op TRB, this can prevent the Setup and Data Stage
* TRB to be breaked by the Link TRB.
- if (trb_is_link(ep_ring->enqueue + 1)) {
+ if (last_trb_on_seg(ep_ring->enq_seg, ep_ring->enqueue + 1)) {
field = TRB_TYPE(TRB_TR_NOOP) | ep_ring->cycle_state;
queue_trb(xhci, ep_ring, false, 0, 0,
TRB_INTR_TARGET(0), field);