Re: [PATCH RFC 3/8] sched/ext: Add a DL server for sched_ext tasks

From: Joel Fernandes
Date: Mon Mar 17 2025 - 17:53:32 EST

Hello, Peter,

I replied to other parts of your email in another thread so I am just replying
to this part:

On 3/17/2025 11:31 AM, Peter Zijlstra wrote:
> Also; I gotta ask, why is nvidia looking at ext ?

There are some complex CPU topologies which perform poorly with the existing
FAIR scheduler as reported by people (I have not seen the data though so there's

There are also workloads where it is beneficial to schedule on cores which have
the data in their cache and are submitting work to GPGPU, which makes the GPGPU
operations faster.


- Joel